Tag Archives: Exhibited by Carol Zoltowski

August 1, 2015Speaker’s Day20152469Maxillaria arbuscula ‘Gilbert’ speciesCCM 81Exhibited by Carol Zoltowski Description: Fifty flowers and six buds on 56 inflorescences evenly distributed on a well grown 28 cm by 60 cm plant vertically mounted on a 12 cm by 18 cm cork slab; sepals and petals base color white, reverse spotted magenta; lip white heavily […]

August 4, 2012 4th Annual Speakers Day Phalaenopsis stobartiana ‘Gilbert’ species HCC 77 Exhibited by Carol Zoltowski Description: Seventeen flowers on one double-branched inflorescence; sepals and petals olive-green overlaid magenta centrally with chartreuse margin; lip white overlaid bright magenta; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.5  nsv  4.1  Dsw  0.7  dsl  2.0  Pw […]

July 11, 2018 20181834 Oberonia rufilabris ‘Gilbert’ species CCM 84 Exhibited by Carol Zoltowski Description: One thousand six hundred eighty-seven flowers on ten pendent inflorescences evenly displayed around a 7×7 cm plant grown on a grapewood stick, each clean, fan-like growth bears an inflorescence; concolor flowers brick orange, lip callus white; natural spread is 1/2 […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center