July 11, 2018
Oberonia rufilabris ‘Gilbert’
CCM 84
Exhibited by Carol Zoltowski


One thousand six hundred eighty-seven flowers on ten pendent inflorescences evenly displayed around a 7×7 cm plant grown on a grapewood stick, each clean, fan-like growth bears an inflorescence; concolor flowers brick orange, lip callus white; natural spread is 1/2 mm x 1/2 mm, all floral parts too small to measure; substance hard to ascertain due to floral proximity; texture matte.

7/31/2018 The SITF determined this to be Oberonia rufilabris due to the overall habit of small soft-leaved fan, no abscission scar at base of leaves, floral bracts longer at base of inflorescence than at top, red flower, lip with single filiform lateral lobe, lip with forked epichile.

Measurements in cm.

Ns 0.05 nsv 0.05
Dsw 0.0 dsl 0.0
Pw 0.0 pl 0.0
Lsw 0.0 lsl 0.0
Lipw 0.0 lipl 0.0
#flwrs 1687 #buds 0 #infl 10
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center