May 2, 2012
Wilsonara Sheila Anne ‘Royal Tapestry’
(Odcdm. Tiger Crow x Odc. Wearside Pattern)
AM 81
Exhibited by Golden Gate Orchids


Twenty-one flowers on two upright inflorescences; sepals and petals yellow overlaid cordovan markings and at margins, blushed maroon basally; lip white, light pink on lower half, central vertical purple stripe, purple marking on upper edge centrally, bright yellow callus, purple stripes basally; column dark purple; substance firm; texture waxy.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  10.0  nsv  9.0
 Dsw  3.1  dsl  5.6
 Pw  3.1  pl  5.1
 Lsw  3.1  lsl  5.3
 Lipw  3.7  lipl  4.8
 # flwrs
 # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center