August 03, 2024
V. Jay Mullen ‘Memoria Deb Lofgreen’
V. (tessellata x ustii)
AM 80
Exhibited by Carol Klonowski


Eight flat, well-spaced flowers and one bud on one 24-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals white, overlaid light pink, tessellated rose; sepals ovate, dorsal sepal overlaid light bronze centrally; lateral sepals overlaid light bronze distally on the inferior surface; petals spatulate; lip white, midlobe porrect, overlaid fuchsia distally, dark fuchsia stripes, side lobes porrect; column white, anther cap yellow; substance average; texture matte.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  5.5  nsv  5.6
 Dsw  1.1  dsl  3.0
 Pw  1.6  pl  2.7
 Lsw  2.0  lsl  2.8
 Lipw  1.0  lipl  2.4
 # flwrs         8  # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center