Tag Archives: species

  June 18, 2023 20232339 Dendrobium parishii ‘Gold Country’ species  AM 80 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: One hundred fourteen flowers and five buds on three pendent inflorescences; base color white, suffused magenta; lip papillose, lightly suffused magenta, eyes dark magenta; column and anther cap magenta; substance medium; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

  June 18, 2023 20232337 Epidendrum tampense var. album ‘El Dorado’ species  HCC 75 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Thirty-six flowers and forty-two buds on nine inflorescences up to 54 cm in length; sepals chartreuse; petals chartreuse; lip isthmus-shaped, bright white, white side lobes; column white, chartreuse at base, anther cap light chartreuse; substance […]

  June 06, 2023 20232332 Prosthechea karwinskii ‘Goodstuff’ species  AM 80 Exhibited by Tom Pickford Description: Two bright yellow flowers on one pendant 4-cm inflorescence; lip midlobe margin ruffled, orange centrally, veined and suffused light orange, cream on distal edge; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  10.7  nsv  7.3  Dsw  2.2  dsl  6.3 […]

  June 06, 2023 20232272 Lepanthes caritensis ‘Chandra P’ species  CCM 84 Exhibited by Douglas Kubo Description: Eleven flowers and six buds on eight inflorescences averaging 2.0 cm, on a well-grown 6-cm by 6-cm plant on a 3.5-cm by 6-cm cork slab; sepals cream, overlaid light brick red; petals cream, overlaid red apically; lip red; […]

  May 21, 2023 20232296 Trichoceros onaensis ‘Grass Valley’ species  HCC 79 Exhibited by Theodore McClellan Description: Two non-resupinate flowers and five buds on one upright, 6-cm inflorescence; sepals light tan, burgundy venation and stipples, green tips; petals light tan, burgundy venation and stipples; lip trilobed, midlobe tan, striped burgundy, basally light burgundy, spotted deeper […]

  April 29, 2023 20232293 Chytoglossa marileoniae ‘Caleb F’ species  HCC 76 Exhibited by Douglas Kubo Description: Twenty-three flowers on five inflorescences averaging 4.5-cm in length; sepals and petals green; deltoid lip yellow with random maroon spots; column yellow, anther cap yellow; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.8  nsv  1.6  Dsw  0.1 […]

  April 29, 2023 20232292 Masd. deceptrix ‘Jon’ species  AM 85 Exhibited by Diana Blasingame Description: One flower and one bud on one 11.3-cm inflorescence; sepals deep dark maroon, dorsal sepal dark green in throat, caudae dark green flushed maroon basally; petals maroon; lip maroon, anther cap white, substance hard; texture velvety. Measurements in cm. […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center