Tag Archives: species

  February 06, 2022 20222258 Cym. wenshanense ‘Melencia’ (species) AM 85 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seven striking flowers and five buds on three well-spaced, arched, 28-cm inflorescences; flowers white; sepals lanceolate, flat; petals flat, porrect, slightly stippled burgundy; lip white, broadly flushed yellow, stippled dark burgundy, burgundy picotee, ciliate, side lobes enclose […]

  February 06, 2022 20222256 Paph. sangii ‘Hector’ (species) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One striking, flat flower on one 28-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal ivory, proximal half veined green, flushed dark burgundy; synsepal green and veined green; petals flat, margins slightly ruffled, ivory, heavily flushed dark burgundy; pouch cobbled chartreuse, suffused […]

CC January 16, 2022 20222351 Dendrochilum pulcherrimum ‘Kodiak’ (species) CCM 80 Exhibited by Susan Anderson Description: Five thousand one hundred twenty-four flowers on one hundred twenty-two gracefully arched 15-cm inflorescences borne on a 38-cm by 72-cm plant mounted on a stick; flowers yellow, lip and column light orange; substance medium; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm. […]

December 01, 2021 20212329 Coelia bella ‘Bonheur’ (species) CCM 82 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: One hundred ten flowers and twenty-five buds on twenty-seven mature inflorescences plus five immature inflorescences on a well-grown plant in a 19-cm pot; sepals recurved, white, rose-purple apical one half; petals recurved, crystalline white; lip yellow-green, throat; column white, ventrally […]

December 1, 2021 20212328 Paph. fairrieanum var. bohlmannianum (album) ‘Tavel’ (species) AM 81 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: Two flowers on two 17.5-cm upright, hirsute inflorescences; dorsal sepal full, white, veined dark green, suffused light rose distally, margins undulate; petals sigmoid, white, veined dark green superior half, light green inferior half, suffused light rose apically, […]

December 01, 2021 20212327 Coelia bella ‘Bonheur’ (species) AM 82 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: One hundred ten flowers and twenty-five buds on twenty-seven mature inflorescences plus five immature inflorescences on a well-grown plant in a 19-cm pot; sepals recurved, white, rose-purple apical one half; petals recurved, crystalline white; lip yellow-green, throat; column white, ventrally […]

October 3, 2021 20212324 Phal. tetraspis ‘Shroomish’ (species) HCC 76 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seven stellate flowers on three upright inflorescences; flowers ivory white, sepals and petals light coffee-colored spots throughout, regularly; lip yellow, midlobe light purple-blue, fuzzy; anther cap white; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  5.0  nsv  5.7 […]

September 5, 2021 20212322 Paph. barbigerum ‘Sangria’ (Species) HCC 77 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower on an upright, 17-cm inflorescence, and two buds on two immature inflorescences; dorsal sepal white, yellow proximally, spotted maroon medially along veins, suffused burgundy centrally; petals undulate, yellow, veined brown, brown midline, base and proximal inferior quarter hirsute, […]

  September, 2021 20212320 Gomesa venusta ‘Bonheur’ (species) HCC 78 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Eighty-three relatively flat flowers and 23 buds densely arranged on two branched inflorescences, to 51-cm; sepals and petals gently cupped, bright yellow, barred medium brown; lip trilobed, recurved distally, keels exceptionally prominent, bright yellow irregularly splotched brown, column and column […]

September 5, 2021 20212238 Paph. gratrixianum ‘Pinot Grigio’ (Species) HCC 77 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower held on a 22-cm, upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, overlaid cordovan radiating to the apex, heavily spotted centrally, chartreuse blush basal one third, undulate, proximal margin recurved; petals spatulate, yellow, overlaid burnt orange, heavier on superior half, […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center