Tag Archives: species

April 09, 2022 20222292 Lepanthes calodictyon ‘Dana Lynn’ (species) CCE 90 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: Twenty-nine flowers and fourteen buds sequentially blooming on twenty-two round reticulated leaves well-displayed on a 10-cm by 10-cm plant on a 17-cm hardwood mount; red flowers minute. Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.2  nsv  0.2  Dsw  0.0  dsl  0.0  Pw […]

April 09, 2022 20222284 Paph. lowii ‘Alsace’ (species)  AM 80 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: Four flowers and three buds on one upright 36.5-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal chartreuse overlaid brown basally; synsepal chartreuse with green veining; petals chartreuse, plum apically, maroon venation and spotting distally, chartreuse picotee; pouch olive, maroon vernation; staminode chartreuse, maroon distally; […]

  April 09, 2022 20222279 Prostechea citrina ‘Monster‘ (species) FCC 91 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One fabulous, broad, bold, dark-yellow, pendant flower on one inflorescence; lip midlobe margin ruffled, orange centrally, lighter cream-yellow at margin; substance hard; texture waxy, lip velvet centrally. Measurements in cm.  Ns  10.3  nsv  9.0  Dsw  3.1  dsl […]

April 06, 2022 20222275 Dendrobium papilio ‘Sue Davis’ (Species) Exhibited by Chen-Hao Hsu Description: Five flowers and four buds on five blooming canes; sepals and petals white; lip white, spade shaped, veined purple on proximal half, narrow connector to nectary bright green; substance papery; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  8.5  nsv  7.5  Dsw […]

March 20, 2022 20222272 Paph. micranthum var. eburneum ‘Spring Kiss’ (species) AM 83 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: One flower and one bud on two 16-cm inflorescences; sepals chartreuse, lightly veined deep rose; petals ovate, white, overlaid chartreuse centrally, veined deep rose; pouch white, interior randomly spotted burgundy, exterior overlaid rose on apex, staminodal-shield white, […]

March 20, 2022 20222271 Cattleya mantiqueirae ‘Melencia’ (species) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seven fairly flat flowers and no buds on seven inflorescences averaging 2.0 cm long; elliptical sepals and ovate petals orange with darker veins; lip tubular, orange, substance firm; texture lightly crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.8  nsv  4.4 […]

March 20, 2022 20222289 Paph. moquettianum ‘Vinho Verde’ (species)  CHM 82 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One album flower and two buds on one 9-cm inflorescence; sepals chartreuse veined green; ciliate petals white overlaid yellow, darker edge; pouch yellow, staminode chartreuse overlaid green; substance average; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  9.2  nsv  7.8  Dsw […]

February 20, 2022 20222261 Dracula spectrum (syn. platycreater) ‘The Mighty Sarlacc’ (species) HCC 75 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: One dark, triangular flower and two buds on three mature, 38-cm inflorescences plus two immature inflorescences; sepals lanceolate, cream, overlaid dark wine red, dense raised spots, caudae cream; petals hirsute, dark wine red, compressed against column; […]

February 20, 2022 20222260 Cattleya jongheana ‘Mem. Nick Burnett’ (species) AM 83 Exhibited by Tom Pickford Description: Two very flat flowers on one strong, 7-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals lanceolate, medium rose with dark rose venation; lip closed over column, white, heavily overlaid deep yellow on proximal three quarters, numerous keels proximally, apex overlaid light […]

February 20, 2022 20222255 Holcoglossum tsii ‘Pink Pixie’ (species) AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Three flowers on two porrect inflorescences; sepals and petals white, flushed pink; lip white, flushed pink, yellow keels, midrib pink, 3.1-cm nectary white suffused pink, midlobe porrect, side lobes irregular lavender pattern; anther cap tipped pink; substance […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center