Tag Archives: September 7 2011

September 7, 2011 Zelumguezia Orchidom Dancing Elf ‘Kristine’ (Rrm. Orchidom Dancer x Zel. onusta) HCC 75 Exhibited by Bob Conaty Description: Twenty-five flowers and five buds on two branched inflorescences; sepals, petals and lip light pink, cream centrally, dorsal aspect more brightly colored than front; callus magenta with yellow spots. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.1 […]

September 7, 2011 Phalaenopsis violacea var. coerulea ‘Monster’ species AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two flat flowers on two inflorescences; sepals and petals deep violet; sepal tips pointed; petal tips rounded; lip cream heavily overlaid deep amethyst apically, side lobes yellow; substance hard; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.9  nsv […]

September 7, 2011 Vanda Pat Delight ‘Hildos’ (V. Kasem’s Delight x Fuchs Delight) HCC 76 Exhibited by Gisela Hymm Description: Twenty-one intensely colored flowers and no buds on two inflorescences; flowers deep purple with darker tessellation; lip dark purple on side lobes, darker midlobe and distally; substance heavy; texture matte. No measurements given Measurements in […]

September 7, 2011 Rlc. Matthew Koch ‘Gold Country’ (Rlc Sunday x C. Bright Angel ) HCC 78 Exhibited by Nancy and Ted McClellan Description: Three well presented flat flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals bright yellow; lip bright yellow overlaid dark rose, veined side lobes close over column, yellow blotch centrally; substance firm; texture […]

September 7, 2011 Phalaenopsis celebensis ‘Gollum’ species AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Thirty-three flowers and 37 buds on a single branched cascading inflorescence; dorsal sepal cream white, centrally overlaid pale yellow; lateral sepals cream white; slightly cupped petals cream white striped light brown centrally; lip cream white striped burgundy centrally; column […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center