Tag Archives: (Paph. micranthum x Paph. vietnamense)

April 1, 2011 San Joaquin Orchid Society Show Paphiopedilum Wossner Vietnam Love ‘Nova’ (Paph. micranthum x Paph. vietnamense) AM 80 Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter Description: Two well presented flat flowers on two inflorescences; sepals and petals ivory marked distally rose-lavender tessellations, heavier on petals; pouch ivory heavily marked overall rose-lavender; staminode rose-lavender marked yellow […]

April 1, 2011 San Joaquin Orchid Society Show Paphiopedilum Wossner Vietnam Love ‘Vera’ (Paph. micranthum x Paph. vietnamense) AM 80 Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter Description: Two flat flowers on two upright inflorescences; sepals and petals ivory overlaid rose lavender, light centrally; pouch rose lavender, light mottling; staminode rose lavender, yellow centrally; substance fair; texture […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center