Tag Archives: Paph. lowii x Paph. rothschildianum

March 4, 2009 Paphiopedilum Julius ‘Sandwolf’ (Paph. lowii x Paph. rothschildianum) FCC 92 Exhibited by Bill Sanders Description: Eight flowers and one bud on two 103-cm. inflorescences; dorsal sepal chartreuse with dark mahogany vertical venation; petals chartreuse centrally merging to deep red mahogany distally, mahogany spots centrally; pouch dark red mahogany; synsepal chartreuse with mahogany […]

March 8, 2008 Central California Orchid Society Show Paphiopedilum Julius ‘Sandwolf’ (Paph. lowii x Paph. rothschildianum) HCC 76 Exhibited by Bill Sanders Description: Six flowers on two inflorescences; Dorsal sepal chartreuse with mahogany vertical venation; petals chartreuse centrally merging to rose mahogany distally, mahogany spots centrally; pouch dark rose mahogany; synsepal chartreuse with mahogany venation; […]

Sacramento Orchid Society Show April 21, 2007 Paphiopedilum Julius ‘Nova’ (Paph. lowii x Paph. rothschildianum ) AM 89 Exhibited by Richard Buchter Description: Seven flowers and two buds on a 57-cm. and 84-cm. two inflorescences on a strong plant; dorsal sepal light chartreuse with dark mahogany stripes and suffused mahogany centrally; petals chartreuse spotted mahogany […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center