Tag Archives: Paph. armeniacum x Paph. emersonii

June 1, 201620162476Paph. Franz Glanz ‘Minion’(Paph. armeniacum x Paph. emersonii)HCC 76Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One flower on one inflorescence; sepals and petals pale yellow; pouch yellow, internally spotted cordovan; staminode bright yellow, marked brown; substance fair; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  11.4  nsv  9.0  Dsw  3.9  dsl  5.0  Pw  5.1  pl […]

June 6, 2018 20181829 Paph. Franz Glanz ‘Chunky’ (Paph. armeniacum x Paph. emersonii) AM 80 Exhibited byRamon de los Santos Description: One full, well presented flower on inflorescence; sepals and petals bright yellow, slightly stippled basally; pouch darker yellow, interior burgundy spots visible on outside; staminode dark yellow veined red-brown; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center