Tag Archives: October 8 2011

October 8, 2011 Big Fresno Fair Show Dendrobium Quique Ramirez ‘Adrian’s Folly’ (Den. Burmese Ruby x Den. Odom’s Smoky Topaz) HCC 78 Exhibited by Dorothy Adrian Description: Eighteen flowers and three buds on two inflorescences; flowers garnet overlaid black purple; lip black purple; anther cap white; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  6.5 […]

October 8, 2011 Orchid Forum of Sacramento Show Phalaenopsis pantherina ‘Nicholas’ species AM 80 & CCM 84 Exhibited by Vivian Sellers Description: Twelve flowers and four buds on three branching inflorescences; sepals and petals green heavily overlaid cordovan; spade lip white, side lobes dark yellow with pink margins; column and anther cap dark yellow; substance […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center