Tag Archives: October 17 2015

October 17, 2015Orchid Forum of Sacramento20152475Den. bigibbum ‘Samantha’ speciesHCC 79Exhibited by James G. Morris Description:  Forty fairly flat flowers and 26 buds on ten arched inflorescences; sepals and petals rose-purple; flat lip rose-purple coalesced to purple throat; substance average; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  5.7  nsv  5.2  Dsw  1.5  dsl  3.0  Pw  3.2  pl […]

October 17, 2015Orchid Forum of Sacramento20152474Phal. hieroglyphica fma. alba ‘Amun-Ra’speciesAM 84Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Eleven flowers and four buds on five inflorescences; sepals and petals ivory, overlaid bright chartreuse irregular bars; column and lip white, sidelobes overlaid sulfur yellow; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.5  nsv  5.0  Dsw  1.8 […]

October 17, 2015 Orchid Forum of Sacramento 20152476 Bulb. Karen Lewis ‘Thoms Dark Knight’ (Bulb. echinolabium x Bulb. phalaenopsis) HCC 79 Exhibited by Jeffrey Tyler Description: Seven flowers and one bud on three inflorescences; sepals and petals cream heavily overlaid dark oxblood, reverse overlaid veined oxblood; anther cap rose-oxblood; substance heavy; texture waxy. Measurements in […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center