Tag Archives: November 6 2013

November 6, 2013 20131072 Paph. bellatulum ‘Petit Verdot’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower on one inflorescence; flower creamy white; sepals spotted and blotched oxblood; petals spotted and stippled oxblood; pouch spotted oxblood; staminode finely spotted oxblood, center pale yellow; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm. Ns  7.5  nsv  8.3 […]

November 6, 2013 20131069 Den. cucumerinum ‘Mr. Pickles’ species AM 83 Exhibited by Tom Pickford Description: Sixteen flat flowers and seven buds on three inflorescences; sepals and petals faintly lined burgundy centrally; lip white, midlobe centrally finely spotted burgundy; column pale green, anther cap pale green, rimmed burgundy; substance typical; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm. […]

November 6, 2013 20131070 Paph. henryanum ‘Candor XL’ species AM 82 Exhibited by Curtis Gean Description: Three elegant full flowers and one bud on four inflorescences; dorsal sepal light yellow-green heavily spotted cordovan; petals light yellow-green, heavily overlaid purple, spotted cordovan; synsepal cream color, spotted cordovan; pouch light yellow-green, overlaid purple; staminode light yellow-green, callus […]

November 6, 2013 20131071 Paph. Montera Moth ‘Tempranillo’ (Paph. Macabre x Paph. Luna Shadow) AM 80 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One stately flat flower on one 29-cm inflorescence; base color on all segments white; dorsal and ventral sepals pleasingly striped burgundy, shading to green centrally; petals flushed green centrally, uniformly dotted with 2-mm burgundy […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center