Tag Archives: November 19

November 19, 2023 20232357 Cym. Autumn Sparkler ‘Sebastian’ Cym. (Zales-goeringii x floribundum) AM 80 Exhibited by Kevin Hill Description: Seven slightly cupped flowers on one 18.5-cm upright inflorescence; sepals narrowly elliptic, light cordovan, darker mid-vein; petals narrowly elliptic, light chartreuse overlaid light cordovan, spotted cordovan centrally; lip curled distally, cream, random burgundy spots, two yellow […]

November 19, 2023 20232356 Cym. tracyanum ‘Phyllis’ (species) AM 82 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Forty-seven well-spaced flowers on four arched inflorescences up to 75-cm in length; sepals and petals deep chartreuse, striped and spotted dark cordovan towards margins; lip fimbriate, white, margin cream, sidelobes striped cordovan, midlobe spotted orange-red; column cream, stippled […]

November 19, 2023 20232354 Paph. Paph. Tiny Treasure ‘Piccolo’ Paph. (henryanum x Mem. Sandra Pechter Song) HCC 79 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One well presented flower on a 5.5-cm inflorescence; orbicular dorsal sepal chartreuse, random oxblood blotches; cuneate petals light chartreuse, random oxblood fine spots basally, light cordovan two thirds toward apex, 0.1-cm light […]

November 19, 2023 20232304 Paph. Little Pinky ‘Petite Rose’ Paph. (King Charles x Mem. Sandra Pechter Song) HCC 77 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One slightly cupped flower on a 6.0-cm upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, vertically spotted cordovan centrally, suffused pink laterally; synsepal light green; petals light green overlaid mahogany, dark central vein; pouch […]

November 19, 2023 20232303 Gomesa imperatoris-maximiliani ‘Bodacious’ (species) HCC 75 Exhibited by Chen-Hao Hsu Description: Eighteen flowers well-spaced on a 3-branched 66-cm inflorescence; eliptic dorsal and fused lateral sepals chestnut brown with random horizontal yellow bars, fine vertical darker veins, and yellow picotee; obovate petals chestnut brown, fine yellow picotee; lip ruffled, side lobes chestnut […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center