Tag Archives: May 2 2012

May 2, 2012 Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana ‘Summer Solstice’ species HCC 79 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Eight flowers and 19 buds on 17 arched inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid magenta concentric bars; lip pink-purple, white hairs at center of midlobe; column white; substance hard; texture shiny. Measurements in cm.  Ns  5.5  nsv  5.2 […]

May 2, 2012 Wilsonara Sheila Anne ‘Royal Tapestry’ (Odcdm. Tiger Crow x Odc. Wearside Pattern) AM 81 Exhibited by Golden Gate Orchids Description: Twenty-one flowers on two upright inflorescences; sepals and petals yellow overlaid cordovan markings and at margins, blushed maroon basally; lip white, light pink on lower half, central vertical purple stripe, purple marking […]

May 2, 2012 Epipactis gigantea ‘Linda’ species CCM 83 Exhibited by Bruce Ritter Description: Twenty-six flowers and 56 buds on 23 inflorescences and 7 immature inflorescences on a very well grown multi growth plant in a 20-cm plastic pot, almost all growths have either flowers or buds developing, foliage blemish free; sepals chartreuse overlaid diffuse […]

May 2, 2012 Epipactis gigantea ‘Linda’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Bruce Ritter Description: Twenty-six flowers and 56 buds on 23 inflorescences and 7 immature inflorescences; sepals chartreuse overlaid diffuse rose stripes; petals chartreuse overlaid pink- rose; lanceolate lip chartreuse overlaid bright pink- rose, side lobes with magenta stripes, hinged midlobe dark rose, yellow apically; […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center