Tag Archives: May 15

May 15, 2022 20222311 Rlc. Flaming Passion ‘Quincy’ Rlc. (Cattlianthe Orchidglade x Rhyncholaeliocattleya Little Toshie) AM 81 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids  Description: Three well-presented flowers on one 5.5-cm inflorescence; lanceolate sepals and ovate petals light orange, overlaid rose on margins, rose midrib; lip trilobed, open, sulfur yellow, striped red basally, red chevron at apex, […]

May 15, 2022 20222310 Paph. Envy Green ‘ Little Ben’ Paph. (malipoense  x primulinum var. primulinum) HCC 79 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids  Description: Two flowers and two buds on one 41-cm inflorescence; sepals ovate, chartreuse, light green venation, ciliate; petals elliptical, chartreuse, light mahogany venation, fine mahogany dots proximally, ciliate; pouch chartreuse, light veins […]

May 15, 202220222309C. Fuchsia Doll ‘Grass Valley’C. (sincorana x Sierra Doll)AM 87Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Four well-presented flowers on two inflorescences up to 5-cm; lanceolate sepals and broadly ovate petals purple; lip white, overlaid deep fuchsia, throat yellow, fuchsia centrally, ruffled margins fuchsia; column white, overlaid fuchsia, anther cap pale yellow; substance firm; texture […]

  May 15, 2022 20222308 Epi. Pacific Bandito ‘Cabernet’ Epi. (Pacific Volcano x Pacific Firefighter) AM 83 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: Twelve flowers and fifteen buds on a 15-cm indeterminant inflorescence and one immature inflorescence; sepals and petals orange heavily overlaid deep red; lip orange, yellow basally with red spots in a concentric ring, […]

May 15, 202220222307C. Minipet ‘Grass Valley’C. (Orpetii x coccinea)AM 83Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Three flat flowers well presented on two inflorescences, up to 1-cm in length; sepals lanceolate, dorsal sepal scarlet, apex diffused; lateral sepals scarlet, proximal-inferior quarter striped yellow; petals round, scarlet, margins very slightly undulate; lip closed over column, yellow, veined scarlet, […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center