Tag Archives: May 1 2019

May 1, 2019 20191282 Cymbidium Arthur Medellin Padilla ‘Padilla’ (Cym. Devon Parish x Cym. Devon Railway) AM 82 Exhibited by Bill Padilla Description: Twenty-eight flowers and four buds nicely arranged on one pendent inflorescence; sepals chartreuse lightly overlaid red-brown, spotted darker red-brown, coalescing to faint stripe on midline; petals chartreuse, lightly overlaid red-brown, spotted darker […]

May 1, 2019 20191285 Sarcochilus Kulnura Sugar ‘Bentley’ (Sarco. Kulnura Sanctuary x Sarco. Heidi) HCC 77  Exhibited by Ken and Amy Jacobsen Description: Twenty-eight flowers and 14 buds on five upright inflorescences and one immature inflorescence; sepals and petals white, dark pink blotches centrally; saccate lip white, irregular yellow blotches; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements […]

May 1, 2019 20191274 Sarcochilus Kulnura Crystal (Sarco. Kulnura Glimmer ‘Ashen’ x Sarco. Heidi ‘New Multi’) AQ Exhibited by Ken and Amy Jacobsen Originated by Scott Barrie, Barrita Orchids Description: One AM and one HCC awarded to a group of 13 plants recognized for improvements to flower form. Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.0  nsv  0.0 […]

May 1, 2019 20191272 Sarcochilus Kulnura Crystal ‘Bentley’ (Sarco. Kulnura Glimmer x Sarco. Heidi) HCC 78 Exhibited by Ken and Amy Jacobsen Description: Thirty-one flowers and 23 buds on six upright, slightly crowded inflorescences; sepals and petals white; saccate lip white spotted yellow and orange; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  2.9 […]

May 1, 2019 20191275 Paph. liemianum ‘Paph Paradise’ species FCC 91 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower and three buds on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal green overlaid light tan, 0.5 cm white margin; synsepal green; undulate, hirsute petals white overlaid very light green, randomly marked cordovan; pouch green overlaid pink lavender, very finely spotted […]

May 1, 2019 20191276 Sarcochilus Kulnura Dragonfly ‘Emma Jane’ (Sarco. Sweetheart x Sarco. Elegance) AM 85 Exhibited by Ken and Amy Jacobsen Description: Eleven striking flowers and 19 buds on two mature inflorescences and 25 buds on three immature inflorescences; sepals and petals white with narrow red picotee, irregular magenta blotches centrally; lip bright orange […]

May 1, 2019 20191273 Brassidomesa Golden Stars ‘Sierra City’ (Brsdm. Shooting Star x Gomesa echinata) AM 82 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Twenty-eight flowers on two arched inflorescences; sepal and petals green overlaid yellow with random dark chocolate markings on lower half of segments; lip bright yellow, spotted dark chocolate, keel light cordovan; anther […]

May 1, 2019 20191281 Sarcochilus Kulnura Euphoria ‘Gracie’ (Sarco. Vibrate x Sarco. Fitzhart) AM 80 Exhibited by Ken and Amy Jacobsen Description: Forty-one flowers and 17 buds on six inflorescences; sepals and petals white suffused light yellow basally, concentrically barred medio-basally dusty rose, heavily blotched dusty rose apically; saccate lip white blotched orange; substance firm; […]

May 1, 2019 20191271 Sarcochilus Kulnura Crystal ‘Gracie’ (Sarco. Kulnura Glimmer x Sarco. Heidi) AM 81 Exhibited by Ken and Amy Jacobsen Description: Twenty-eight flowers and 39 buds slightly crowded on seven upright inflorescences; sepals and petals white; saccate lip white, spotted yellow and orange; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.0  nsv […]

May 1, 2019 20191277 Sarcochilus Kulnura Taser ‘Bentley’ (Sarco. Kulnura Need x Sarco. Kulnura Kaleidoscope) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ken and Amy Jacobsen Description: Forty flowers and 15 buds on four inflorescences; sepals light yellow, barred dusty orange basally, uniformly suffused dusty orange apically; petals light yellow, suffused dusty pink; saccate lip white, barred yellow […]

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California Sierra Nevada Judging Center