Tag Archives: July 6 2016

July 6, 201620162481Den. cumulatum ‘Banshee’speciesHCC 77Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Fifty-nine flowers and 102 buds on 11 irregularly spaced canes; sepals and petals rose, veined darker rose; lip white, overlaid pink apically, throat spotted dark rose, 2.7-cm spur darker rose; substance thin; texture diamond dust; recognized for the floriferousness of this beautifully presented […]

July 6, 201620162480Lc. Twilight Song ‘Grass Valley’(C. walkeriana var. alba x L anceps)HCC 78Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Two full, well-presented flowers on one upright inflorescence; sepals and petals light rose, darker rose pink margins and midline; lip well-ruffled, cream, dark rose pink margins, throat striped magenta centrally, suffused yellow centrally; substance hard; texture crystalline. […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center