Tag Archives: HCC 79

May 6, 201520152448Ilo. Maui Charm ‘Alexander James’(Ilo. [Tol.] Spotted Moon x Glm. [Rdm.] Velvet Teenie)HCC 79 Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Fourteen flowers and three buds on two inflorescences; dorsal sepal white overlaid burgundy, lateral sepals fused, white overlaid burgundy; petals white overlaid burgundy, white picotee; lip white, mask red burgundy, blotched burgundy distally, callus pale […]

March 20, 201520152430Rdcdm. Diablo Heart ‘Miss Marian’(Rdcdm. Angel Heart x Rdcdm. Spunky)HCC 79Exhibited by David Trebotich Description: Eighteen flowers and four buds on three inflorescences; dorsal sepal dark maroon; fused lateral sepals dark maroon; petals white overlaid dark maroon centrally with lighter maroon on margins; lip white overlaid dark maroon centrally with lighter maroon on […]

October 5, 2014Big Fresno Fair20142470Paph. Odette’s Vision ‘Sierra Vista’(Paph. Magic Pulsar x Paph. Odette’s Magic)HCC 79Exhibited by Curtis Gean Description: One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal deep red burgundy, striped black; synsepal red burgundy with fewer black stripes; slightly hirsute petals black burgundy darker at dorsal margin, green centrally; pouch deep red burgundy; staminode […]

June 4, 201420142454Pleurothallis teres ‘Year of the Dragon’speciesHCC 79Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Twenty-seven flowers and 13 buds on four upright inflorescences; petals intense cordovan; sepals cordovan striped darker cordovan; lip lighter cordovan; substance heavy; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.4  nsv  0.5  Dsw  0.3  dsl  0.6  Pw  0.2  pl  0.4  Lsw  0.3  lsl […]

June 4, 201420142452Cattleya Coquina ‘Wendi Eileen’(C. guttata x C. Claesiana)HCC 79Exhibited by Tom Pickford Description: Twenty-eight flowers on two strong erect inflorescences; sepals and petals light green overlaid pink, spotted purple distally; lip white, side lobes flushed soft pink, midlobe fuchsia; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  9.8  nsv  10.8  Dsw  1.8  dsl […]

May 14, 2014North Valley Orchid Society Add’l Judging20142484Phrag. Noirmont ‘D’s Delight’(Phrag. Mem. Dick Clements x Phrag. longifolium)HCC 79Exhibited by Donna Murrill Description: One flower and two buds on one upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal chartreuse suffused and tessellated scarlet; synsepal chartreuse lightly edged and suffused scarlet; flat petals chartreuse heavily suffused scarlet; pouch chartreuse, interior bright […]

May 7, 2014 20142450 Cymbidium Darch Jade ‘Tygr Jade’ (Cym. Fifi x Cym. suave) HCC 79 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Ninety-three flowers and three buds on three pendent inflorescences; sepals and petals deep chartreuse; lip yellow overlaid dark maroon on basal 2/3 portion; callus light green; column green stippled burgundy on ventral surface; substance […]

April 4, 2014 San Joaquin Orchid Society Show 20142444 C. Carmela’s Tropical Beauty ‘Hawaii’ (Lc. Mem. Robert Strait x Lc. Aloha Case) HCC 79 Exhibited by Nina Simangan Description: Two round flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals light lavender overlaid deep rose; semi-isthmus lip, side lobes rose-lavender, mid lobe velvety fuchsia; substance firm; texture […]

March 29, 2014 Sacramento Orchid Society Show 20142434 Dendrobium aphyllum ‘Jocelyn’ species HCC 79 Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: One hundred thirteen flowers on one upright, staked inflorescence; sepals and petals pale lavender; lip white, darker purple centrally with few darker striations; substance good; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  5.5  nsv  4.2  Dsw […]

March 5, 201420142428Paph. Golden Jubilee ‘Yellow Moon’(Paph. armeniacum x Paph. Acclamation)HCC 79Exhibited by Cheryl Phillipson Description: One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal and synsepal pale yellow, irregularly spotted brown; petals light chartreuse with fine spots arranged in linear pattern; pouch brown; substance fair; texture glossy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  13.8  nsv  11.1  Dsw  7.0 […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center