Tag Archives: HCC 78

March 02, 2022 20222267 Aerangis Winter Snow ‘Greyeagle’ (Aerangis Winter Dove x fastuosa) HCC 78 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Eighteen flowers and one bud on three inflorescences, up to 12-cm long; sepals, petals and lip white; nectary 2.2-cm, white, distal half suffused light green; substance firm; texture satiny. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.2 […]

January 16, 2022 20222354 Lepanthes Elegant Escobar ‘Reece Herbert’ (Lepantes escobariana x  elegantula) HCC 78 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: Five flowers and fifteen buds on fifteen inflorescences; dorsal sepal light chartreuse overlaid bronze vertical suffusions, lateral sepals same but medial edges more deeply suffused bronze; petals and lip light orange; substance translucent; texture matte. […]

  November 11, 2021 20212326 Phal. Valentinii ‘Chunky’ (Phal. cornu-cervi x violacea) HCC 78 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Three fairly flat, full, star-shaped flowers on two inflorescences up to 25-cm; base color chartreuse, sepals and petals heavily overlaid mahogany; lip deep rose-pink, side lobes yellow, column rose, anther cap ivory; substance heavy; […]

  September, 2021 20212320 Gomesa venusta ‘Bonheur’ (species) HCC 78 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Eighty-three relatively flat flowers and 23 buds densely arranged on two branched inflorescences, to 51-cm; sepals and petals gently cupped, bright yellow, barred medium brown; lip trilobed, recurved distally, keels exceptionally prominent, bright yellow irregularly splotched brown, column and column […]

  September 5, 2021 20212313 Onc. Bonne Nuit ‘Turtle Fairies’ (Onc. spacelatum x Onc Eric Young) HCC 78 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: Twelve evenly-spaced, flat flowers and four buds on one upright, 94.3-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals lanceolate, light chartreuse, overlaid irregular chestnut bars and blotches; lip light yellow, bright yellow blotches, callus yellow […]

  May 2, 2021 20212282 Sarco. Kulnura Loyalty ‘Paparazzi’ (Sarco.  Kulnura Abolute x Kulnura Ballerina) HCC 78 Exhibited by Kevin Hill Description: Eighty flowers and sixteen buds on six inflorescences, the longest inflorescence 19.2-cm; sepals and petals white, proximally overlaid pink-rose concentric bars, centrally spotted and distally blotched pink-rose; lip saccate, yellow, side lobes striated […]

  February 7, 2021 20212261 Cym. Memoria Ellen Margron ‘Beauty Spots’ (Cym. Brenda x Cym. Devon Odyssey) HCC 78 Exhibited by Cynthia Batlershall Description: Forty-four flowers and seventeen buds on three 72-cm pleasantly arched inflorescences; sepals and petals rose pink, veined dark rose pink, stippled centrally dark rose pink; lip ivory blotched maroon, overlaid yellow […]

January36, 2021 20212250 Paph. graxtrixianum ‘Tuscany’ (species) HCC 78 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky (Paph Paradise) Description: One flower and two buds on three 19-cm inflorescences; dorsal sepal white overlaid cordovan radiating to the apex, heavily spotted centrally, chartreuse blush; petals yellow overlaid burnt orange; pouch yellow overlaid light burnt orange, staminode shield yellow with sulphur […]

November 1, 2020 20202307 Phalaenopsis Germaine Vincent ‘Gremlin’ (Phal. violacea x Phal. speciosa) HCC 78 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Three flowers and 3 buds on three inflorescences, petals and sepals cerise, lighter cerise in center of flower, tips light green; lip darker cerise, side lobes yellow; column cap light cerise; substance firm; […]

November 1, 2020 20202306 Paph. Ford Hutchcraft ‘Pinot Blanc’ (Paph. Golden-Prem x Paph. primulinum) HCC 78 Exhibited By Dave Sorokowsky (Paph Paradise) Description: One flower, one bud on one inflorescence; sepals beautifully rounded, lime green throughout, clear yellow halo on distal margin of dorsal; petals twisted, undulate, hirsute at margins, clear yellow, throughout; pouch bulbous, […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center