Tag Archives: HCC 77

March 4, 201720171212Paph. rothschildianum ‘Sierra Vista’speciesHCC 77Exhibited by Curtis Gean Description: Three well balanced flowers and one bud on one straight 50-cm sturdy inflorescence; flat dorsal, slightly cupped synsepal, light chartreuse, striped dark mahogany; petals chartreuse striped and spotted mahogany coalescing at apex, margins hirsute proximal two-thirds; pouch chartreuse, heavily overlaid mahogany, veined darker mahogany; […]

March 1, 201720171208Den. tetragonum ‘Davis Delight’speciesHCC 77Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Ninety-eight flowers and four buds on 23 inflorescences borne on 18 canes; dorsal and lateral sepals chartreuse edged cordovan, coalesced at apex; petals chartreuse; lip cream, sidelobes striped cordovan, midlobe randomly spotted cordovan; substance good; texture matte. Measurements in cm. Ns 9.7 nsv […]

Jan. 4, 201720171202Paph. Doctor Pei H. Tsau ‘Glycon’(Paph. Crazy Horse x Paph. Emerald Lake)HCC 77Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One full flat flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, light green centrally, randomly spotted mahogany centrally; synsepal light green stippled mahogany; petals light green overlaid light cordovan, midrib deep cordovan centrally; pouch light […]

September 7, 201620162493Paph. Dollgoldi ‘Susan Davis’(Paph. rothschildianum x Paph. armeniacum)HCC 77Exhibited by Joanne Gerow Description: One striking flower on one erect 27 cm inflorescence; flower bright yellow; sepals and petals striped and stippled mahogany; pouch veined light mahogany; staminode pubescent, base color yellow suffused mahogany; substance medium; texture semi-gloss. Measurements in cm.  Ns  17.5  nsv […]

July 6, 201620162481Den. cumulatum ‘Banshee’speciesHCC 77Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Fifty-nine flowers and 102 buds on 11 irregularly spaced canes; sepals and petals rose, veined darker rose; lip white, overlaid pink apically, throat spotted dark rose, 2.7-cm spur darker rose; substance thin; texture diamond dust; recognized for the floriferousness of this beautifully presented […]

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162463Sarco. Charm ‘Elizabeth Anne’(Sarco. Bernice Klein x Sarco. Fitzhart)HCC 77Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Fifteen nicely displayed flowers and one bud on two arched inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid burgundy centrally, partially spotted burgundy proximally, picotee burgundy; saccate lip golden yellow, side lobes burgundy; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements […]

February 3, 201620162446Paph. Champion’s Bliss ‘Crianza’(Paph. Sheer Bliss x Paph. Grand Champion)HCC 77Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One strong slightly cupped flower on oe inflorescence; dorsal sepal white heavily spotted maroon; synsepal light green spotted light maroon; petals light green heavily suffused maroon-brown; pouch light green heavily suffused maroon; staminode light crystalline green; substance heavy; […]

February 3, 2016 20162449 Cym. Death Wish ‘Julian Brandon’ (Cym. Pywacket x Cym. Disney Girl) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Twelve flowers and three buds on one arched inflorescence; sepals and petals chartreuse laterally spotted oxblood; lip cream spotted oxblood; column cream heavily spotted oxblood; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

December 2, 201520152493Paph. richardianum ‘Janine’ speciesHCC 77Exhibited by Bob Conaty Description: One flower and three buds on one 21-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal cream flushed pale green centrally and maroon laterally; synsepal cream flushed pale green; petals pale green centrally darker maroon-brown on margins and apex, maroon brown warts centrally; pouch pale green heavily suffused maroon-brown;substance […]

September 2, 201520152472Paph. Mem. Rex VanDelden ‘Harpy’(Paph. Lady Isabel x Paph. armeniacum)HCC 77Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Four flowers and one bud on two strong inflorescences; flower gold; dorsal sepal and hirsute petals disticntly striped and tessellated red-brown; synsepal gold, lightly striped mahogany; large hirsute staminode distinct yellow stripe centrally; substance heavy; texture […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center