Tag Archives: HCC 77

September 2, 2009 Habenaria medusae ‘Joan’ species HCC 77 Exhibited by Howard Gunn Description: Ten flowers and eight buds on one 46-cm. inflorescence; hooded dorsal sepal green; petals light green; highly fimbriate lip white with rust-red basally; spur white basally green apically; substance fair; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  8.1  nsv  5.8  Dsw  0.4 […]

April 18, 2009 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Paphiopedilum Zellwood Station ‘Cabernet’ (Paph. Macabre x Paph. Red Shift) HCC 77 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower on one inflorescence; slightly pinched dorsal sepal off white with light green venation, burgundy apically; petals medium green centrally to light cream at the tip, heavily spotted maroon; pouch […]

March 4, 2009 Paphiopedilum Saint Low ‘Sandwolf Dallas’ (Paph. Saint Swithin x Paph. lowii) HCC 77 Exhibited by Bill Sanders Description: Five full flowers and three buds on one inflorescence; flowers pure white; 17.5-cm. nectary chartreuse on distal third; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm. Ns  13.0  nsv  18.0  Dsw  4.0  dsl  5.2  Pw […]

March 4, 2009 Bulbophyllum mandibulare ‘Hatsumomo’ species HCC 77 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Three flowers and two buds on three sequentially blooming inflorescences; dorsal sepal base color yellow suffused light brown with cordovan stripes; fused lateral sepals base color yellow overlaid burgundy with cordovan veins; petals light burgundy with dark cordovan veins; lip base […]

Feb 4, 2009 Cymbidium Minnaken ‘Khobai’ (Cym. pumilum x Cym. Rosalita) HCC 77 Exhibited by Gisela Hymmen Description: Ninety-one flowers and nineteen buds on six inflorescences; sepals and petals dusty rose with darker rose stripes; lip white with maroon spots: column chartreuse; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  5.8  nsv  5.2  Dsw […]

Jan. 7, 2009 Paphiopedilum Emerald Lake ‘Sierra Nevada’ (Paph. Stone Lovely x Paph. Emerald Sea) HCC 77 Exhibited by Curtis Gean Description: One slightly cupped flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white with lime green basally, radiating dark lime green veins; petals light lime green; synsepal lime green; pouch light lime green; staminode yellow with […]

September 3, 2008 Catasetum fimbriatum ‘Sierra Vista’ species HCC 77 Exhibited by Curtis Gean Description: Twenty flowers and two buds on one pendant inflorescence; sepals and petals light green suffused with mahogany spots; lip chartreuse and fimbriated; column suffused with mahogany spots; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.3  nsv  7.5  Dsw  1.1 […]

March 5, 2008 Paphiopedilum Memoria Peter Glancy ‘Janet’s Delight’ (Paph. Genevieve Booth x Paph. James Bacon) HCC 77 Exhibited by Dennis Wade Description: One flower and one immature flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal chartreuse with chestnut brown vertical stripes; petals chartreuse with ox-blood spots centrally merging to stripes; pouch chartreuse overlaid red-brown; hirsute staminode […]

May 2, 2007 Promenaea Colmaniana ‘Mameha’ (Prom. xanthina x Prom. crawshayana) HCC 77 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: One 22-cm. ball of immaculate growth with extreme density of flowers, three hundred ninety-six flowers and 55 buds on 255 inflorescences; sepals and petals translucent chartreuse; lip orange; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.8 […]

April 4, 2007 Paphiopedilum liemianum ‘Chunky’ species HCC 77 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One flower and one bud on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal yellow green with dark green vertical striations and a 0.5-cm. cream margin; hirsute petals cream green with dark maroon spots; pouch rose speckled with darker rose spots and cream […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center