Tag Archives: HCC 76

February 4, 201520152425Paph. Voodoo Shadow ‘Bob’s Beauty’(Paph. Luna Shadow x Paph. Ruby Voodoo)HCC 76Exhibited by Bob Conaty Description: One flower on upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal flat, green centrally, lateral dark rose with darker veins, white margins; synsepal chartreuse, veined; petals chartreuse overlaid with cordovan fading at apex, veined with occasional warts on superior borders, hirsute […]

May 7, 201420142449Tolu. Pink Panther ‘Janet Kaye’(Tolu. Purple Envy x Tolu. Misty Pink)HCC 76Exhibited by Dennis and Janet Wade Description: Twenty-six flowers and 18 buds on two inflorescences; dorsal sepal and fused lateral sepals burgundy; petals white with burgundy splashes; lip white with central burgundy mask, random burgundy spots and suffused pink margins, side lobes […]

March 29, 2014Sacramento Orchid Society Show20142437Pleurothallis teaguei ‘Mina’ speciesHCC 76Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Seventy-two resupinate, clam-shell shaped flowers and 49 buds on six inflorescences; sepals dark ox-blood, exterior veined green; rolled petals and lip light green; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.0  nsv  2.8  Dsw  2.4  dsl  3.2  Pw  0.2  pl […]

May 1, 2013 20131048 Cym. Memoria James Burson ‘Tygr Jade’ (Cym. Fifi x Cym. Phar Lap) HCC 76 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: One hundred thirty-two flowers and 23 buds on seven inflorescences; sepals and petals dusty rose fading to yellow at margins; lip dark rose, bright orange centrally; column chartreuse overlaid light dusty rose; […]

March 6, 2013 20131016 Den. kingianum ‘Chew Bacca’ species HCC 76 Exhibited by Bob Conaty Description: Nine flowers and ten buds on three inflorescences; sepals and petals lavender, darker lavender striations distally; lip dark purple, side lobes dark lavender, callus white with purple striations; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm. Ns  3.7  nsv  3.2 […]

January 2, 2013 20131003 Cym. Death Wish ‘Tygr Jade’ (Cy. Pywacket x Cym. Disney Girl) HCC 76 Exhibited by Edmund P. Dumaguin Description: One hundred seventeen flowers and 25 buds evenly spaced on ten pendent inflorescences ans one immature inflorescence with 15 buds uniformly presented around a clean, robust 180-cm wide plant in a 133-cm […]

Jan. 2, 2013 20131001 Paph. Chocolate Eagle ‘Burgundy’ (Paph. Eagle Heart x Paph. Chocolate Shot) HCC 76 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One full, round flower displayed on one erect inflorescence; dorsal sepal white overlaid green basally, faintly infused light purple, heavily spotted dark purple coalescing centrally; synsepal white overlaid green centrally, randomly spotted dark […]

October 13, 2012 Sacramento Orchid Forum Show Cattleya Sacramento Rose’ Zombie’ (C. Mini Purple x C alaorii) HCC 76 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One flower and one bud on one inflorescence; sepals and petals dark rose-lavender; lip deep royal purple, dark red-orange in throat, midlobe fully suffused dark royal purple; substance good; […]

October 3, 2012 Dendrobium Anita Joylyn ‘Royal Blush’ (Den. bigibbum x Den. Burana Princess Pink) HCC 76 Exhibited by Dennis and Janet Wade Description: Fifty-two flowers and 18 buds on eight arched inflorescences; flowers white with pink blush apically on all segments with white midrib on sepals; lip white suffused with more intense pink blush; […]

October 3, 2012 Cattleya Susanna ‘JoeBoy’ (C. pumila x C. bicalhoi) HCC 76 Exhibited by Kathleen F. Barrett Description: One flower and one bud on one inflorescence; sepals and petals dark rose-lavender; lip deep royal purple, dark red-orange in throat, midlobe fully suffused dark royal purple; substance good; texture light diamond dust. Measurements in cm. […]

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