Tag Archives: HCC 75

February 20, 2022 20222261 Dracula spectrum (syn. platycreater) ‘The Mighty Sarlacc’ (species) HCC 75 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: One dark, triangular flower and two buds on three mature, 38-cm inflorescences plus two immature inflorescences; sepals lanceolate, cream, overlaid dark wine red, dense raised spots, caudae cream; petals hirsute, dark wine red, compressed against column; […]

April 11, 2012 20212271 Cym. Easter Fire ‘Jaybee’ (Cym. Fifi x Ernest Hetherington) HCC 75 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Forty flowers on three upright inflorescences; sepals and petals bright yellow, overlaid maroon; lip bright yellow, blotched maroon apically, edges of side lobes and throat stippled maroon, callus yellow; column yellow, blushed maroon, centrally spotted […]

November 1, 2020 20202300 Dracula nycteriana ‘Reagan Lynn’ species HCC 75 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: Two flowers and one bud on three inflorescences; sepals and petals ivory, irregularly overlaid cordovan, more heavily at apex; petals ivory overlaid cordovan centrally; lip white; anther cap tan; substance firm; texture matte.. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.1  nsv […]

November 1, 2020 20202299 Paph. Alpine Pleasure ‘Slipper Zone Crowning Glory’ (Paph. Alpine Glow x Paph. Luna Pleasure) HCC 75 Exhibited by Lehua Orchids Description: One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, green striations; petals yellow with green veins, flushed light pink laterally, dark maroon upraised spots coalesced toward center; pouch green, flushed mahogany; […]

February 5, 2020 20202255 Paph. Oriental Charisma ‘Slipper Zone Not Expected’ (Paph. Spring Fever x Paph. Oriental Impact) HCC 75 Exhibited by Lehua Orchids Description: One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal and synsepal white, veined and flushed dark maroon; petals green centrally, flushed maroon at edges, spotted dark maroon over all; pouch deep, dark maroon; […]

February 5, 2020 20202253 Maxillaria schunkeana ‘Barbara’ species HCC 75 Exhibited by Galen Carpenter Description: Nine flowers and one bud on ten inflorescences; sepals and petals dark maroon; lip dark maroon, lacquered centrally, appearing wet; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  2.7  nsv  1.6  Dsw  0.7  dsl  2.9  Pw  0.6  pl  1.1  Lsw […]

January 8, 2020 20202251 Paph. Mountain Lass ‘5 Pattonyos’ (Paph. Mountain Meadow x Paph. helenae) HCC 75 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower on an upright inflorescence; dorsal and synsepal light green with darker veins, white picotee; petals light green, veined and reticulated cordovan; pouch green overlaid light cordovan, fine speckling on inside side […]

July 30, 2016Speakers Day20162483Paph. Pope John Paul ‘Norma’(Paph. Lady Isabel x Paph. Mt. Toro)HCC 75Exhibited by Joanne Gerow Description: Five flowers on a 40-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal and synsepal pale chartreuse, striped cordovan; petals pale yellow, faintly dotted basally and striped apically cordovan; pouch yellow-green, faintly veined cordovan on sides, irregularity on pouch precluded higher […]

June 1, 201620162478Paph. Robinianum ‘Somerset’(Paph. parishii x Paph. lowii)HCC 75Exhibited by Cheryl Phillipson Description: Ten flowers and six buds on four nicely arranged inflorescenecs; sepals pale chartreuse, veined darker; petals somewhat twisted, chartreuse, overlaid and veined purple, distal one-half coalesced dark purple spots, basal one-half chartreuse spotted dark purple; pouch green suffused mahogany, veined darker […]

December 2, 2015 20152494 Ryc. Empress Pride ‘Nancy’s Choice’ (L. anceps x Rlc. Pink Empress) HCC 75 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: One flat flower on one erect 14-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals medium rose, venated deep rose; lip yellow, distally deep rose, basally maroon, side lobes overlaid dark rose, column ivory; substance medium; texture […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center