Tag Archives: Grown and Exhibited by Janet and Dennis Wade

October 3, 2019 20191312 Tolumnia Jairak Firm ‘Sherbert’ (Tol. Rainbow x Tol. Plush) HCC 78 Exhibited by Janet and Dennis Wade Description: Six flowers on one inflorescence and six buds on one immature inflorescence; sepals and petals burgundy; lip orange-red basally, dark red distally, calli bright yellow; column cream, side wings cream, burgundy centrally; substance […]

July 27, 2019Speakers Day20191300Podangis dactyloceras ‘Janet Kaye’ speciesCCM 86Grown and Exhibited by Janet and Dennis Wade Plant also received AM 82. Description: One hundred thirty-two well-presented, cupped flowers on nine inflorescences born on three equitant-like fans, 21 cm wide by 11 cm high grown in a 6 cm plastic pot; flowers translucent white; lip terminates […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center