Tag Archives: February  07

  February  07, 2024 20242271 Paph. Harvest Dream ‘Sweetwater Fairy’ Paph. (Macabre Chant x fairrieanum) HCC 79 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Seven stately flowers on five inflorescences up to 18-cm; sepals white overlaid light purple, green centrally, vertically veined dark purple, white picotee; petals down-swept, undulate, hirsute, white suffused light purple, light green centrally, […]

  February  07, 2024 20242260 Phrag. Nicholle Tower ‘Sweetwater Fire’ Phrag. (dalessandroi x longifolium) CCM 86 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Six flowers and five buds on one well grown branched, successively bloomed, 44-cm inflorescence; plant is 51-cm wide x 61.5-cm tall, grown in a 6-inch plastic pot; flower golden yellow; dorsal sepal suffused red […]

  February  07, 2024 20242259 Din. polybulbon ‘Golden Gate’ species CCM 80 Exhibited by Dennis & Janet Wade Description: Approximately two hundred eighty-eight flowers and no buds on two hundred eighty-eight inflorescences of 0.7-cm, on a well grown 60-cm diameter plant, on a 10-cm by 20-cm cork slab; sepals and petals gold, overlaid brown proximally; […]

  February  07, 2024 20242258, Drac. vespertilio ‘Fo Shizzle’, species, AM 83, Exhibited by Tyler M. Albrecht Description: Four beautiful flat flowers and seven buds on eleven inflorescences up to 15-cm in length, in a 4-inch plastic mesh pot; flower cream, heavily blotched burgundy; caudae cream, light yellow distally, spotted maroon; lip midlobe white; column […]

  February  07, 2024 20242257 Lep. felis ‘Kevin’s Generosity’ species AM 81 Exhibited by Ron Parsons Description: Thirty four flowers and three buds pn thirty-one mature inflorescences, and 9 immature inflorescences, up to 4-cm long, grown in a 5-cm plastic pot; foliage immaculate; dorsal sepal deltoid, light yellow overlaid cordovan striations; lateral sepals cream overlaid […]

  February  07, 2024 20242256 Lep. felis ‘Kevin’s Generosity’ species CCM 86 Exhibited by Ron Parsons Description: Thirty four flowers and three buds pn thirty-one mature inflorescences, and 9 immature inflorescences, up to 4-cm long, grown in a 5-cm plastic pot; foliage immaculate; dorsal sepal deltoid, light yellow overlaid cordovan striations; lateral sepals cream overlaid […]

  February  07, 2024 20242255 Holc. phongii ‘Little Green Men’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Nine flowers and five buds on three inflorescences up to 6-cm; sepals and petals chartreuse; dorsal sepal oval, petals oval, lateral sepals widely ovate; lip chartreuse, side lobes striated purple, spur chartreuse, column and anther […]

  February  07, 2024 20242254 Phrag. Fritz Schomburg ‘Melencia’ Phrag. (kovachii x besseae) FCC 90 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One full flat flower and one bud, well held on a 41-cm unstaked inflorescence; sepals and petals brilliant fuchsia; pouch pubescent, base color cream heavily overlaid deep fuchsia; staminodal shield white overlaid pink […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center