Tag Archives: Feb. 1 2017

Feb. 1, 201720171206Paph. fairrieanum var. album ‘Dijon’speciesAM 80Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: Two charming flowers on two inflorescences; sepals white veined green, dorsal margins ruffled; petals white veined green, margins evenly ruffled; pouch chartreuse veined darker green; staminode white marked darker green; substance firm; texture velvet, pouch glossy. Measurements in cm. Ns 6.4 nsv 6.8 […]

Feb. 1, 201720171200Den. Tarean ‘Jocelyn’(Den. Hilda Poxon x Den. Star of Gold)HCC 78Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Ninety-nine slightly crowded flowers and 16 buds on 17 arched inflorescences; sepals and petals bright yellow-green with purple speckled edges; white lip overlaid rose pink, spotted amethyst; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm. Ns 4.4 nsv […]

Feb. 1, 201720171205C. Petitfleur ‘Jocelyn’(C. johngeana x C. praestans)HCC 76Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Three flowers and one bud on three inflorescences; sepals and petals rose pink; tubular lip rose pink overlaid yellow in throat, amethyst margin; substance average; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns 10.5 nsv 10.0 Dsw 1.7 dsl 6.2 Pw […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center