Tag Archives: Exhibited by Ted McClellan

November 4, 201520152480Ctt. Sue Fordyce-Darden ‘Christmas’(C. Circle of Life x Ctt. Gregory Tyrome Darden)AM 81Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Two flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals cerise; lip orange in throat with red venation becoming solid red distally; substance fair; texture velvety. Measurements in cm.  Ns  9.3  nsv  9.6  Dsw  2.5  dsl  5.6  Pw […]

June 3, 2015 20152454 C. Purple Jewel ‘Grass Valley’ (C. Tangerine Jewel x C. Mini Purple) AM 80 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Two flat flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and slightly ruffled petals fuchsia; lip darker fuchsia, throat overlaid orange; substance firm; texture velvety. Measurements in cm.  Ns  7.4  nsv  8.0  Dsw  2.1  dsl […]

April 18, 2015Sacramento Orchid Society Show20152442Ctt. Tropical Aurora ‘Green Valley’(Ctt. Aussie Sunset x C. Tokyo Magic)AM 81Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Two flowers on an upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal light yellow at midrib radiating darker yellow on edges; petals light yellow centrally radiating dark yellow towards apex fusing to magenta at 2-cm of apex, upper […]

March 4, 2015 20152429 C. Beautiful Sunset ‘Grass Valley’ (C. Orpetii x C. sincorana) AM 85 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Two large, flat flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals deep rose, veined darker rose; lip pale yellow overlaid deep magenta and dark red apically, throat bright yellow, keels red-orange; substance firm; texture matte. […]

December 7, 2011 Cattleya brevipedunculata ‘Nevada City’ species AM 82 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Six charming, extremely flat flowers on six inflorescences; sepals and petals red-orange, slightly darker red venation; lanceolate lip red-orange, yellow basally; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  5.3  nsv  4.3  Dsw  1.2  dsl  2.3  Pw  2.6  pl […]

December 7, 2011 Cattleya coccinea fma. aurea ‘Grass Valley’ species HCC 79 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: One attractive flat flower held well above the foliage on a single inflorescence; sepals and petals brilliant yellow, light green line centrally; lip darker yellow in throat; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.2  nsv […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center