Tag Archives: Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner

June 7, 2017 20171264 Rrm. Sycamore Fox ‘Oscar Rudolph’ (Rrm. Fox Hollow x Rrm. Sycamore Hollow) HCC 77 Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Twenty-two flowers and one bud on two gracefully arched inflorescences; sepals rose pink, overlaid cordovan; petals rose pink irregularly spotted cordovan, coalesced centrally; lip rose pink overails sulfur yellow proximally, light cordovan […]

June 1, 201620162479Phal. Liu’s Berry ‘Oscar Rudolph’(Phal. Eduardo Quisumbing x Phal. parishii)HCC 79Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Ten flowers and 15 buds on one branched inflorescence; flowers white; dorsal sepal overlaid rose pink, petal suffused rose pionk margins heavier; lip spade shaped, overlaid deep rose, sidelobes deep rose, midlobe deep rose, callus orange spotted deep […]

May 6, 201520152448Ilo. Maui Charm ‘Alexander James’(Ilo. [Tol.] Spotted Moon x Glm. [Rdm.] Velvet Teenie)HCC 79 Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Fourteen flowers and three buds on two inflorescences; dorsal sepal white overlaid burgundy, lateral sepals fused, white overlaid burgundy; petals white overlaid burgundy, white picotee; lip white, mask red burgundy, blotched burgundy distally, callus pale […]

June 2, 2010 Rodrumnia Apple Hollow ‘Joseph Matthew’ (Rrm. Hare Hollow x Rrm. Sycamore Hollow) HCC 79 Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Seventy-three flowers and 19 buds on seven inflorescences; sepals and petals yellow blotched and stippled cordovan; lip yellow blotched cordovan centrally, midlobe and side lobes heavily stippled cordovan, callus cordovan edged yellow; substance […]

June 2, 2010 Rodrumnia Mill Hollow ‘Emily Rose’ (Rrm. Fox Hollow x Tolu. Maple Dancer) HCC 75 Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Twenty-four flowers and over 16 buds on three inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid centrally with black-red splotches; lip white overlaid dark-red centrally, spots peripherally; substance medium; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

June 2, 2010 Rodrumnia Moon Hollow ‘James Maxwell’ (Tolu. Bear Hollow x Rrm. Fox Hollow) HCC 77 Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Fifteen flowers and 12 buds on two inflorescences; sepals and petals white with pink blush distally, maroon spots basally; lip white yellow callus overlaid with brown spots; substance strong; texture satin. Measurements in […]

June 3, 2009 Rdcdm. Sun Hollow ‘Alex’ (Tol. Maple Hollow x Rdcdm. Sycamore Hollow ) AM 81 Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Ten flowers and 11 buds on a 40-cm. inflorescence; sepals and petals sulfur yellow overlaid deep red mahogany; lip sulfur yellow speckled with red mahogany; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

May 6, 2009 Rodrumnia Moon Hollow ‘Pink Moonlight’ (Onc. Bear Hollow x Rdcdm. Fox Hollow) HCC 78 Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Ten flowers and ten buds on one 59-cm. inflorescence; sepals and petals white overlaid with red mahogany, diffusing to red mahogany spots apically; lip white flushed with rose spots, mahogany centrally; substance firm; […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center