Tag Archives: Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter

December 1, 2010Paphiopedilum Dollgoldi ‘Vera’(Paph. rothschildianum x Paph. armeniacum)AM 83Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter Description: One well-presented flower and one bud on a 39-cm. inflorescence; flat dorsal sepal golden yellow striped cordovan; synsepal lighter golden yellow striped cordovan; petals golden yellow striped light cordovan; pouch golden yellow overlaid with light red venation, staminode light yellow […]

January 6, 2010 Paphiopedilum Portofino ‘Nova’ (Paph. Valwin x Paph. Great Pacific) HCC 79 Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter Description: One large flat flower well-held on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white overlaid burgundy centrally; synsepal pale chartreuse; petals chartreuse heavily overlaid cordovan, upper half darker cordovan, midrib; pouch chartreuse overlaid cordovan; substance firm; texture glossy. […]

April 1, 2009 Paphiopedilum Fumi’s Delight ‘Nova’ (Paph. micranthum x Paph. armeniacum) AM 83 Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter Description: One flower on one 31-cm. inflorescence; dorsal sepal light chrome yellow with red-brown tessellation; petals light chrome yellow with distinct red-brown tessellation; pouch deep lemon, deeper lemon on rim; staminode yellow shading to chrome yellow […]

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California Sierra Nevada Judging Center