Tag Archives: Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos

  March 2, 2021 20212284 Paph. thaianum ‘Melencia’ (species) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two round cupped flowers on two 4-cm inflorescences; sepals white, flushed and spotted light maroon on reverse; petals apically notched, white, faintly speckled maroon basally; smooth pouch white, spotted bold red-maroon internally, staminode white, bold yellow centrally; substance […]

May 2, 2021 20212284 Sarco. Kulnura Leppard ‘ Monster’ (Sarco.  Kulnura Sanctuary x Kulnura Gifted) AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Twenty-five well presented flowers on two arched, 21-cm inflorescences; sepals and petals white, heavily blotched deep rose; lip saccate, white, yellow apically and bottom of pouch, side lobes burgundy, column white; […]

May 5, 2021 20212280 Cattleya schilleriana ‘Chunky’ (Species) AM 83 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Three flat flowers on one 6-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals elliptical, bronze, heavily marked mahogany, margins undulate, lateral sepals falcate; lip white, heavily veined deep fuchsia, overlaid yellow centrally, midlobe margin serrate, ruffled, side lobes enclose column; column […]

April 11,, 2021 20212275 Sarco. Kulnura Phase ‘Monster’ (Sarco.  Roberta x Ice Magic) JC Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seventy-five flowers and nine buds on nine arched, 18-cm inflorescences on a 25-cm plant in a 14-cm basket; sepals cream, overlaid light peach distally, concentrically barred darker peach proximally; petals semi-peloric, cupped, cream, overlaid […]

April 11, 2021 20212274 Sarco. Pixie Princess ‘Chunky’ (Sarco.  Glowing Embers x Kulnura Festival) AM 83 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One hundred twenty-two slightly cupped flowers and twelve buds on fourteen 18-cm inflorescences on a 16-cm plant in a 14-cm basket; sepals and petals white, overlaid rose distally, concentric rose spots centrally; […]

April 11,, 2021 20212272 Sarco. Kulnura Khaleeshi ‘Melencia’ (Sarco.  Kulnura Kaleidoscope x Roberta) AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One hundred sixty-four flowers and thirteen buds on eighteen 19.5-cm, cascading inflorescences, on a 30.8-cm wide plant grown in a 21-cm basket; sepals and petals pale peach, concentrically barred darker peach; lip saccate, […]

  March 7, 2021 20212270 Paph. gratrixianum var. christensonianum ‘Agogwe’ (species) AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two flowers on two upright, rigid,13.5-cm inflorescences; dorsal sepal white, slightly flushed maroon laterally, coalesced bold oxblood spots centrally; synsepal tan, oxblood stripes; petals spatulate, tan, midline bold oxblood; pouch tan, staminode yellow; substance medium; […]

March 7, 2021 20212267 C. jongheana ‘Barbegazi’ (species) AM 83 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Three flat flowers on two inflorescences; sepals and petals, white; sepals lanceolate, apices slightly reflexed; petals broadly lanceolate, margins lightly undulate; lip white, side lobes closed over column, yellow, midlobe darker yellow with dark yellow keels, margin finely […]

March 7, 2021 20212266 Paph. Magic Paradise ‘Argos’ (Paph. liemianum  x Paph.Avalon Magic) AM 83 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One flower and one bud on one 25-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal dark green centrally, oxblood veins, suffused light green toward margin; synsepal dark green; petals wide, hirsute, twisted distally, creamy green, cordovan spots; […]

March 7, 2021 20212264 Sarco. Dragon’s Fire ‘Melencia’ (Sarco. Hiccup x Kulnura Intensity) AM 82 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Fifteen flowers and seventeen buds on two arched inflorescences, and one immature inflorescence with 9 buds; sepals and petals rose accented red with deep red bars; saccate lip ivory, side lobes red, amber […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center