Tag Archives: Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos

March 20,2022 20222270 Sarco. Kulnura Kruse ‘Groudon’ (Sarco.  Kulnura Fireball x Sweetheart) HCC 79 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seventy-eight full, slightly cupped flowers and thirty-seven buds on fourteen inflorescences up to 13-cm long; sepals and petals white heavily suffused deep crimson, striped darker crimson centrally; saccate lip yellow, burnt orange stripe centrally, […]

February 20,2022 20222264 Sarco. Kulnura Spitfire ‘Dodomeki’ (Sarco.  Duno Nickys Twin x Kulnura Harrow) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Eighteen flowers and fourteen buds on three horizontally arched inflorescences, longest 23-cm; sepals and petals white, burgundy proximally, flushed burgundy; saccate lip orange-yellow, side lobes burgundy, midlobe band burgundy, anther cap white; […]

February 20, 2022 20222255 Holcoglossum tsii ‘Pink Pixie’ (species) AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Three flowers on two porrect inflorescences; sepals and petals white, flushed pink; lip white, flushed pink, yellow keels, midrib pink, 3.1-cm nectary white suffused pink, midlobe porrect, side lobes irregular lavender pattern; anther cap tipped pink; substance […]

  February 06, 2022 20222258 Cym. wenshanense ‘Melencia’ (species) AM 85 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seven striking flowers and five buds on three well-spaced, arched, 28-cm inflorescences; flowers white; sepals lanceolate, flat; petals flat, porrect, slightly stippled burgundy; lip white, broadly flushed yellow, stippled dark burgundy, burgundy picotee, ciliate, side lobes enclose […]

  February 06, 2022 20222256 Paph. sangii ‘Hector’ (species) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One striking, flat flower on one 28-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal ivory, proximal half veined green, flushed dark burgundy; synsepal green and veined green; petals flat, margins slightly ruffled, ivory, heavily flushed dark burgundy; pouch cobbled chartreuse, suffused […]

  January 16, 2022 20222353 Lyc. Lion Heart ‘Jimmy Yu’ (Lyc. Leo x Princess Takamodo) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One slightly cupped flower on one 21.5-cm inflorescence, and one bud on an immature inflorescence; flowers bright yellow; sepals and petals near round, apically acute, petals porrect; lip distally recurved, throat […]

  January 16, 2022 20222352 Cym. Unemployed Pilot ‘Chunky’ (Cym. Fire Ernie x Mem. Amelia Earhart) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Sixteen well-presented, slightly cupped flowers on one cut, 70-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals broadly lanceolate, yellow, overlaid light orange; lip white, side lobes edged light pink, midlobe 0.3-cm oxblood band […]

  January 16, 2022 20222350 Onc. Crystal Prism ‘Melencia’ (Onc. Prism x Crystal Palace) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Thirteen well displayed flat flowers on an arched, 110-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals ovate, white, overlaid with random cordovan spots and coalesced spots, 0.5-cm to 1.0-cm picotee, margin finely ruffled; lip white, […]

  December 1, 2021 20212330 Rlc. Mark’s Valentine ‘Ginny’ (C. Circle of Life x Rlc. Little Toshie) AM 83 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two flowers on one inflorescence; sepals lanceolate, deep red, slightly ruffled; petals ovate, deep red, red-purple margins ruffled; lip surrounds column, orange, flushed red, red veins in throat, deep […]

  November 11, 2021 20212326 Phal. Valentinii ‘Chunky’ (Phal. cornu-cervi x violacea) HCC 78 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Three fairly flat, full, star-shaped flowers on two inflorescences up to 25-cm; base color chartreuse, sepals and petals heavily overlaid mahogany; lip deep rose-pink, side lobes yellow, column rose, anther cap ivory; substance heavy; […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center