Tag Archives: Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos

  June 19, 2022 20222317 Paph. Hilo Black Eagle ‘Bagairt’ Paph. (Johanna Burkhardt x rothschildianum) AM 82 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Four well presented flowers on one 56-cm unstaked inflorescence; dorsal sepal yellow-tan, dark cordovan stripes radiating from base, centrally coalesced; synsepal yellow-tan, dark cordovan stripes; petals slightly undulate, broad at shoulder, […]

June 01, 2022 20222314 C. Loud Nine ‘Anitchka’ C.  ( Rhyncholaeliocattleya Rubescence x C. Orpetii ) AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two striking, flat flowers on one 3-cm inflorescence; lanceolate sepals and ovate petals dark garnet; lip round, closed over column, basally gold with dark garnet striations, distally deeper garnet; column garnet, […]

  June 01, 2022 20222312 Paph. Berenice ‘Amun-Ra’ Paph. ( lowii x philippinese ) AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Three well-presented flowers and three buds on one staked, 60-cm inflorescence; sepals ovate, lemon-lime, veined light green, dorsal sepal margins undulate; petals lanceolate, chartreuse, pleasingly twisted, centrally blushed light rose, margins spotted […]

  May 04, 2022 20222286 Paph. Johanna Burkhardt ‘Anitchka’ (Paph. rothschildianum x adductum ) AM 86 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Five well-presented flowers on an 83-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal chartreuse, striped dark mahogany; synsepal chartreuse, striped dark mahogany; petals chartreuse spotted mahogany, coalesced medially toward apex; pouch mahogany, staminode chartreuse overlaid light […]

  April 24, 2022 20222293 Paph. philippinense ‘Hector’ (species) FCC 91 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Five well arranged flowers and two buds on one 66-cm arched inflorescence; dorsal sepal white heavily veined cordovan; dorsal sepal white lightly veined cordovan; petals ivory overlaid chartreuse basally, overlaid cordovan on edge, deepening to full segment […]

  April 09, 2022 20222291 Paph. Hilo Prince ‘Medusa’ Paph. (Shin-Yi Prince x rothschildianum )  AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Five flowers on one 47.4-cm inflorescence; dorsal and synsepal yellow overlaid distinct mahogany stripes, mahogany blush centrally; petals slightly twisted, yellow, spotted mahogany on proximal one-third, fine mahogany stripes on remaining two-thirds; […]

  April 09, 2022 20222288 Paph. Shih-Yueh Sunlight ‘Bagairt’ Paph. (Bouilly Port x adductum var. anitum) AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Four well-presented flowers on one 52-cm inflorescence; dorsal and synsepal slightly cupped, yellow, overlaid mahogany stripes; petals yellow heavily spotted rose-mahogany; pouch yellow, uniformly overlaid rose-brown ; substance firm; texture […]

April 09, 2022 20222280 Paph. Lola Bird ‘Melencia’ Paph. (emersonii x micranthum) AM 85 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One large flat flower on one 10.2-cm upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal white veined light pink with slight tessellation; synsepal cream; petals white veined magenta, lighter at edges; pouch cream, dusted and lightly veined pink, […]

  April 09, 2022 20222279 Prostechea citrina ‘Monster‘ (species) FCC 91 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One fabulous, broad, bold, dark-yellow, pendant flower on one inflorescence; lip midlobe margin ruffled, orange centrally, lighter cream-yellow at margin; substance hard; texture waxy, lip velvet centrally. Measurements in cm.  Ns  10.3  nsv  9.0  Dsw  3.1  dsl […]

March 20, 2022 20222271 Cattleya mantiqueirae ‘Melencia’ (species) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seven fairly flat flowers and no buds on seven inflorescences averaging 2.0 cm long; elliptical sepals and ovate petals orange with darker veins; lip tubular, orange, substance firm; texture lightly crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.8  nsv  4.4 […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center