Tag Archives: Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim

  April 03, 2024 20242273 Cym. Renee Taylor ‘May Ling Chim’ Cym. (Kabuki Moon x Hazel Tyers) AM 82 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Nineteen flowers on two arched, upright inflorescences up to 95 cm; sepals and petals rose pink, faintly veined darker rose, cream picotee; lip cream, callus yellow, side lobes dark […]

  April 03, 2024 20242272 Cym. Vidar ‘Harlequin’ Cym. (Westpearl x Miretta) HCC 78 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Fourteen peloric flowers on one 79-cm, upright inflorescence; sepals elliptic, lime green; petals white, spotted and banded maroon distally; lip white, spotted and banded maroon distally, callus yellow, spotted maroon on inferior surface; anther […]

  March 03, 2024 20242269 Cym. (Unregistered Hybrid) ‘Bradley Wu’ Cym. (tracyanum x Bedrock) HCC 77 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Thirty-five slightly cupped and twisted flowers on four inflorescences from 75-cm to 108-cm; base flower color old gold, veined and spotted mahogany; lip has larger mahogany spots; substance medium; texture matte. Measurements […]

  March 03, 2024 20242268 Cym. Solana Rose ‘Emma Wu’ Cym. (Solana Beach x Vieux Rose) AM 82 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Ten well-arranged, flat flowers on one upright, 95-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals pale rose-pink, darker spots centrally, coalesced into faint stripes; lip cream, spotted dark maroon apically, throat flushed yellow, […]

  March 03, 2024 20242267 Cym. Renee Taylor ‘Terry Yee Carlson’ Cym. (Kabuki Moon x Hazel Tyers) HCC 79 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Eighteen slightly cupped flowers on one upright, 78-cm inflorescence plus three immature inflorescences; flowers base color white, sepals and petals suffused light pink, veined darker pink; lip pleasantly ruffled, […]

November 19, 2023 20232356 Cym. tracyanum ‘Phyllis’ (species) AM 82 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Forty-seven well-spaced flowers on four arched inflorescences up to 75-cm in length; sepals and petals deep chartreuse, striped and spotted dark cordovan towards margins; lip fimbriate, white, margin cream, sidelobes striped cordovan, midlobe spotted orange-red; column cream, stippled […]

July 5, 2017 20171272 C. purpurata fma. sanguinea ‘Phyllis’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Three large, bright purple flowers held high on one inflorescence; sepals cream, heaily overlaid purple, striped darker purple; petals cream, overlaid purple, striped darker purple midrib with cross-hatching stripes on margins; ruffled lip white, throat with […]

May 7, 2014 20142447 Cymbidium Val Pack ‘Phyllis’ (Cym. Len Southward x Cym. suave) HCC 78 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Seventy-six flowers on two pendent 80- and 87-cm inflorescences; sepals and petals lime green, margins pale yellow-green; lip yellow, side lobes and throat burgundy; column green, anther cap pale green; substance firm; […]

 March 5, 2014 20142433 Cym. King Crimson ‘N. H.’ (Cym. Gordon Gibbs x Cym. Vogelsang) AM 80 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Twenty-eight flowers on one inflorescence with one immature inflorescence; sepals light burgundy; petals light burgundy with darker burgundy midrib and white margins; lip white with maroon spots basally, light burgundy medially, […]

March 5, 2014 20142431 Cym. Saigon Sunrise ‘Phyllis’ (Cym. Pepperpuss x Cym. Mem. Amelia Earhart) HCC 77 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Sixty-two flowers on three pendent inflorescences sparsely arranged at apex; sepals and petals green-yellow, finely stippled and veined maroon; lip white basally, side-lobes speckled pink on edge, midlobe deep red. Substance […]

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California Sierra Nevada Judging Center