Tag Archives: Exhibited by Lynne Murrell

December 01, 2021 20212327 Coelia bella ‘Bonheur’ (species) AM 82 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: One hundred ten flowers and twenty-five buds on twenty-seven mature inflorescences plus five immature inflorescences on a well-grown plant in a 19-cm pot; sepals recurved, white, rose-purple apical one half; petals recurved, crystalline white; lip yellow-green, throat; column white, ventrally […]

  September, 2021 20212320 Gomesa venusta ‘Bonheur’ (species) HCC 78 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Eighty-three relatively flat flowers and 23 buds densely arranged on two branched inflorescences, to 51-cm; sepals and petals gently cupped, bright yellow, barred medium brown; lip trilobed, recurved distally, keels exceptionally prominent, bright yellow irregularly splotched brown, column and column […]

  August 1, 2021 20212308 Oberonia mucronata ‘Bonheur’ (Species) CCM 87 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Approximately four thousand flowers and four thousand buds arranged spirally on eight pendent inflorescences, up to 20cm, presented on a well grown 30 x 36-cm, fan-shaped plant with eighteen growths, mounted on an 11 x 10-cm rectangular cork slab; […]

  June 6, 2021 20212292 Bifrenaria verboonenii ‘Bonheur’ (Species) CBR(prov) Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Two flowers on an upright 32-cm inflorescence; sepals base color light green, darker brown tips; petals cream, white apically, side lobes lavender, striped lavender basally; lip hirsute rose-lavender, striped burgundy in throat; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

January 3, 2021 20212253 Calanthe Karolin Anschau ‘Bonheur’ (Calanthe Grouville x Calanthe vestita) HCC 77 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Sixty-six flowers and four buds on three arching inflorescences; flowers uniformly deep garnet; sepals and petals deep garnet, pubescent; lip deep garnet; substance soft; texture velvet. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.5  nsv  5.3  Dsw  1.0 […]

June 28, 2020 Business Meeting Judging, Modesto 20202267 Dendrobium crystallinum ‘Bonheur’ species CHM 81 (prov) Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Thirteen flowers on two canes grown in a 12 cm round plastic net pot; sepals white blushed rose; petals white blushed rose, heavily overlaid magenta at apex; lip white, overlaid magenta at apex, throat heavily […]

March 7, 2020 Central California OS Show 20202265 Miltonia cuneata ‘Bonheur’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Ninety-four striking flowers on 14 staked inflorescences to 80cm; sepals and petals cream heavily overlaid cordovan-brown, barred light yellow, yellow distal tips; lip white, spatulate; column light yellow; texture matte; substance firm. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

February 5, 2020 20202254 Clowesia Rebecca Northen ‘Grapefruit Pink’ (Clow. Grace Dunn x Clow. rosea) CCM 82 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Three hundred forty flowers and 43 buds on 39 pendulous inflorescences well-distributed around an exceptional 28cm wide by 20cm tall plant in a 54 cm plastic pot; sepals and petals acuminate; flowers light […]

January 8, 2020 20202250 Pescatorea wallisii ‘Bonheur’ species CHM 83 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Nineteen flowers and two buds on 21 inflorescences well-displayed 360 degrees around a beautifully grown plant; sepals and petals ivory with amethyst blush at tips; lip hirsute, deep amethyst; substance firm; texture matte; recognized for its educational value and floriferousness. […]

July 27, 2019Speakers Day20191302Elleanthus capitatellus ‘Bonheur’ speciesCBR Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Three clusters of 8-10 flowers each, and three unopened clusters on 32 up to 48cm tall canes; plant 15cm by 45cm tall; leaves plicate, lanceolate; flowers tubular, deep purple with white margins, clustered closely together in a round, compact head enclosed in dark purple […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center