Tag Archives: Exhibited by Karen Olson

July 30, 2016 Speakers Day 20162488 Bulb. scaberulum var. scaberulum ‘Karen’s Oddity’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Karen Olson Description: One hundred ten flowers and 20 buds on ten inflorescences; flowers intense dark purple; lip pale green; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm. Ns 0.7 nsv 0.9 Dsw 0.1 dsl 0.6 Pw 0.1 pl […]

August 1, 2015 Speaker’s Day 20152470 Bulbophyllum scaberulum var. scaberulum ‘Karen’s Oddity’ species CBR Exhibited by Karen Olson Description: Five flowers and 29 buds on four green stippled mahogany rachises; dorsal sepal pale green overlaid pale burgundy apical one-third, margins dark burgundy; lateral sepals pale green, spotted dark burgundy, wide margins dark burgundy; petals burgundy; […]

November 14, 2014 20142477 Cym. erythraeum ‘Lady of China’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Karen Olson Description: Ninety-three flowers and three buds on three pendent inflorescences; sepals and petals deep chartreuse; lip yellow overlaid dark maroon on basal 2/3 portion; callus light green; column green stippled burgundy on ventral surface; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements […]

August 2, 2014 Speaker’s Day 20142461 Masd. paivaeana ‘Karen’s Sweetie’ species CHM 80 Exhibited by Karen Olson Description: Five flowers and two buds on seven inflorescences; sepals white overlaid externally deep yellow basally, caudae yellow; petals light yellow; lip white tipped yellow; interior of sepaline tube with fine white hairs; substance firm; texture glossy. Recommended […]

April 5, 2014Tropical Plant Society of Modesto Show20142445Masdevallia princeps ‘Karen’s Passion’speciesAM 82Exhibited by Karen Olson Description: Five stately flowers on five inflorescences; sepals and petals gold overlaid spotted burnished orange, burgundy spots centrally; lower caudae crossed; lip yellow, finely spotted burgundy; substance heavy; texture matte and papillose. Measurements in cm.  Ns  8.8  nsv  21.5  Dsw […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center