Tag Archives: Exhibited by Dennis Olivas

July 27, 2019Speakers Day20191295Epidendrum kockii ‘Marc’ speciesAM 82Exhibited by Dennis Olivas Description: Two flowers and four buds on three inflorescences; sepals and petals base color olive green; sepals overlaid with fine mahogany stipples; petals uniformly overlaid with denser mahogany stipples; lip olive green with dense mahogany stippling along margins, denser pattern centrally; column dark mahogany; […]

July 27, 2019Speakers Day20191303Epidendrum kockii ‘Kelly’ speciesAM 80Exhibited by Dennis Olivas Description: Three flowers and two buds on two inflorescences; sepals olive green, burgundy speckled venation; narrow petals olive green, speckled burgundy; large cupped lip olive green overlaid prominent burgundy venation, burgundy speckled heavily along edge; substance very firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

July 27, 2019Speakers Day20191294Epidendrum kockii ‘Raymond’ speciesAM 81Exhibited by Dennis Olivas Description: Two flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals base color olive green; sepals overlaid with fine mahogany stipples; petals uniformly overlaid with denser mahogany stipples; lip olive green with dense mahogany stippling along margins, denser pattern centrally; column dark mahogany; substance firm; texture […]

May 3 201720171256Sarco. Kulnura Symphony ‘Yumi Chan Chan’(Sarco. Elegance x Sarco. Bunyip)AM 82Exhibited by Dennis Olivas Description: Sixteen round flowers on one mature inflorescence and 5 flowers on one immature inflorescence; sepals and petals white heavily blotched rose, darker rose centrally; saccate lip butter yellow, side lobes barred maroon, lightly marked marron at tip; substance […]

January 3, 2007 Laelia anceps v. veitchiana ‘Tamara’ species* AM 85 Exhibited by Dennis Olivas *(L anceps v. veitchiana ‘Ft. Caroline’ x L. anceps .v.veitchiana) Description: Four well-presented flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals white suffused with rose lavender, lightening basally; lip intense velvet purple apically, throat yellow with intense purple striations; substance hard; […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center