Tag Archives: Exhibited by Cindy Hill

April 5, 201720171237Den. vietnamemse ‘Vistamont’speciesCHM 83Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: Three flowers and 10 buds on four canes; sepals and petals white, blushed rose-pink; lip white, apicla half pink, yellow green basally, throat purple, anther cap white; substance firm; texture diamond dust; commended for comparatively large flowers on a diminutive plant; species from Vietnam. Measurements […]

April 5, 201720171233Angraecum viguierii ‘Vistamont’speciesCCE93Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: Seventeen flowers and five buds evenly distributed across nine canes of a 87 cm plant on a 62 cm moss-covered mount; sepals and petals apricot-beige; mucronate lip white; 9.81 cm brown spur; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm. Ns 9.5 nsv 11.4 Dsw 1.2 dsl […]

April 5, 201720171234Angraecum viguierii ‘Malala’speciesAM 85Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: Ten flowers on four canes; sepals and petals apricot-beige; mucronate lip white; 12.5 cm spur brown; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm. Ns 13.3 nsv 9.6 Dsw 1.0 dsl 5.8 Pw 0.7 pl 6.4 Lsw 1.1 lsl 6.9 Lipw 4.8 lipl 6.5 #flwrs 10 […]

November 4, 201520152478Coelogyne usitana ‘Vistamont’speciesCCE 94Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: Eleven flowers and seven buds on 11 pendent inflorescences to 60- to 140-cm long displayed 180 degrees around a cleanly grown plant in a 20-cm plastic pot; sepals and petals light chartreuse; lip cream overlaid chocolate brown; column burnt orange; substance firm; texture matte, lip […]

November 4, 201520152479Coelogyne usitana ‘Vistamont’ speciesFCC 90Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: Eleven flowers and seven buds on 11 pendent inflorescences 60- to 140-cm in length; sepals and petals light chartreuse; lip cream overlaid chocolate brown; column burnt orange; substance firm; texture matte, lip velvet. Measurements in cm.  Ns  10.5  nsv  9.5  Dsw  2.8  dsl  5.5 […]

November 4, 2015 20152483 Aeranthes peyrotii ‘Vistamont’ species CCE 91  Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: A well-grown, immaculate 64 cm tall by 47 cm wide plant of eleven growths of pristine leaves grown in a 16 cm basket bearing twenty-nine flowers and seventeen buds on fifty-nine arching, bifurcating inflorescences up to 71 cm in length […]

November 2, 2010 Mycaranthes vanoverberghii ‘Vistamont’ species HCC 79 Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: Five hundred eighty-six flowers and 224 buds on 21 inflorescences borne on five mature growths on a 81-cm tall plant in a 15-cm plastic pot; translucent flowers white; lip white, green centrally, maroon side lobes and lateral borders of column; substance […]

November 2, 2010 Coelogyne kaliana ‘Vistamont’ species AM 80 Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: Thirteen well presented flowers on one arching inflorescence; sepals and petals white; lip white with three light yellow keels basally, side lobes brown with white venation, midlobe light yellow with five keels, brown band spanning centally in front of keels; substance […]

November 2, 2010 Mycaranthes vanoverberghii ‘Vistamont’ species CCM 82 Exhibited by Cindy Hill Description: Five hundred eighty-six flowers and 224 buds on 21 inflorescences borne on five mature growths on a 81-cm tall plant in a 15-cm plastic pot; translucent flowers white; lip white, green centrally, maroon side lobes and lateral borders of column; substance […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center