Tag Archives: Exhibited by Cheryl Jones

  February 01, 2023 20232257 Paph. Paradise in Burgundy ‘Cool Plum’ Paph. (After James x King Charles) AM 85 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: One symmetrical flower on one 10-cm upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal broad, deep burgundy, darker venation, pink picotee; synsepal light green, overlaid dark burgundy striations; hirsute petals olive green overlaid burgundy, darker […]

July 31, 2022 20222326 Paph. Dollgoldi ‘El Dorado’ Paph. (rothschildianum  x armeniacum) AM 83 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones  Description: Six well-presented flowers and two buds on four inflorescences up to 35 cm; sepals and petals bright yellow, striped and stippled mahogany, sepals ovate, petals broadly lanceolate, margins undulate; pouch bright yellow, veined light mahogany; staminode […]

  May 04, 2022 20222304 Paph. haynaldianum ‘Sweetwater Rush’ (species) AM 83 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Five flowers and one bud on one 53-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal white flushed chartreuse basal portion, spotted cordovan, blushed lavender superior section toward margins; synsepal chartreuse veined light mahogany; petals bright green proximally, heavily flushed lavender distal half; […]

April 06, 2022 20222273 Phrag. Demetria ‘Sweetwater Flame’ (Phrag.  caudatum x sargentianum) AM 83 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Three flowers and two buds on one 53-cm upright inflorescence; sepals chartreuse, red-brown veins; petals chartreuse, heavily suffused burgundy distal half and margins; pouch bright yellow-green, stippled red centrally, overlaid light brown, red veins; staminode light […]

  March 02, 2022 20222268 Dendrobium Snow Bells ‘Flying Nun’ (Den. Thomas Warne x schuetzei) AM 83 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Eleven flowers nicely arranged on three inflorescences up to 3 cm long; sepals white, lanceolate, slightly twisted on distal tip; petals white, rounded, slightly ruffled on margins; lip white, broad throat yellow with […]

August 1, 2021 20212309 Paph. Lo’ihi ‘Sweetwater Parade’ (Paph. Mount Toro  x Paph. parishii) HCC 77 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Twelve flowers on two staked inflorescences to 43.5-cm; sepals cream, striped light mahogany, dorsal sepal proximal margins recurved; petals linear, pleasingly twisted, light chartreuse, proximally spotted mahogany, remainder overlaid light mahogany, dark mahogany apically; […]

January 3, 2021 20212256 Phrag. Peruflora’s Cirila Alca ‘Martha May’ (Phrag. kovachii x Phrag. dalessandroi) AM 83 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Two flowers and three buds on one 64-cm branched inflorescence; sepals pale green overlaid coral-pink; petals pale green overlaid coral-pink, veined dark pink; pouch pink, veined deep pink, yellow interior; staminode shield white overlaid […]

March 4, 2020 20202259 Paph. Palani Quintal ‘Cool Paradise’ (Paph. Mem. Miguel Medina x Paph. philippinense) AM 84 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Eight flowers and one bud on three 41.5 inflorescences; sepals chartreuse, veined and flushed cordovan; petals uniformly twisted, chartreuse, veined and flushed mahogany distal 7/8s; pouch chartreuse, veined and flushed cordovan; staminode […]

January 8, 2020 20202252 Dendrobium Green Flash ‘Alan’ (Den. Andree Millar x Den. convolutum) AM 80 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Twenty well-presented flowers and 12 buds on seven inflorescences; flowers base color dark chartreuse; sepals and petals sparsely spotted dark purple;lip side lobe striped dark purple, isthmus front lobe overlaid dark purple; column dark […]

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California Sierra Nevada Judging Center