Tag Archives: (Den. bracteosum x Den. laevifolium)

July 30, 2016Speakers Day20162485Den. Hibiki ‘Tiny Bubbles’(Den. bracteosum x Den. laevifolium)FCC 91Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: One hundred twenty-eight densely arranged, full flowers and 23 buds on seven flowered canes; sepals and petals bright fuchsia; lip orange brown; column pale yellow; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.4  nsv  3.4  Dsw  1.4  dsl  2.5  Pw  1.4  pl […]

July 1, 201520152459Dendrobium Hibiki ‘Madame’(Den. bracteosum x Den. laevifolium)HCC 76Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Ninety-four flowers and 19 buds tightly arranged on seven blooming canes; sepals and petals dark rose-pink; lip bright orange; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  2.7  nsv  2.7  Dsw  0.9  dsl  1.9  Pw  0.9  pl  1.7  Lsw  0.7  lsl […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center