Tag Archives: December 1

December 1, 2021 20212331 Paph. Vogue Paradise ‘Nick Burnett’ Paph. (Vogue Wonder x Hawaiian Volcano) AM 81 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower on a 21-cm, upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, veined dark green superior half, proximal half veined burgundy; synsepal green, dark green veins; petals elliptical, light green, dark green veins, heavy burgundy […]

  December 1, 2021 20212330 Rlc. Mark’s Valentine ‘Ginny’ (C. Circle of Life x Rlc. Little Toshie) AM 83 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two flowers on one inflorescence; sepals lanceolate, deep red, slightly ruffled; petals ovate, deep red, red-purple margins ruffled; lip surrounds column, orange, flushed red, red veins in throat, deep […]

December 01, 2021 20212329 Coelia bella ‘Bonheur’ (species) CCM 82 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: One hundred ten flowers and twenty-five buds on twenty-seven mature inflorescences plus five immature inflorescences on a well-grown plant in a 19-cm pot; sepals recurved, white, rose-purple apical one half; petals recurved, crystalline white; lip yellow-green, throat; column white, ventrally […]

December 1, 2021 20212328 Paph. fairrieanum var. bohlmannianum (album) ‘Tavel’ (species) AM 81 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: Two flowers on two 17.5-cm upright, hirsute inflorescences; dorsal sepal full, white, veined dark green, suffused light rose distally, margins undulate; petals sigmoid, white, veined dark green superior half, light green inferior half, suffused light rose apically, […]

December 01, 2021 20212327 Coelia bella ‘Bonheur’ (species) AM 82 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: One hundred ten flowers and twenty-five buds on twenty-seven mature inflorescences plus five immature inflorescences on a well-grown plant in a 19-cm pot; sepals recurved, white, rose-purple apical one half; petals recurved, crystalline white; lip yellow-green, throat; column white, ventrally […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center