Tag Archives: Cym. Pepperpuss x Cym. Mem. Amelia Earhart

March 5, 2014 20142431 Cym. Saigon Sunrise ‘Phyllis’ (Cym. Pepperpuss x Cym. Mem. Amelia Earhart) HCC 77 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Sixty-two flowers on three pendent inflorescences sparsely arranged at apex; sepals and petals green-yellow, finely stippled and veined maroon; lip white basally, side-lobes speckled pink on edge, midlobe deep red. Substance […]

March 7, 2012 Cym. Saigon Sunrise ‘Mahalo Thu Ba’ (Cym. Pepperpuss x Cym. Mem. Amelia Earhart) AM 81 Exhibited by Paul & Phyllis Chim Description: Twenty-eight well spaced flowers on two pendulous inflorescences; sepals and petals yellow diffused overlaid oxblood, forming darker mid lines on segments; lip white, distal half overlaid oxblood; column white, anther […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center