Tag Archives: CCM 84

  June 06, 2023 20232272 Lepanthes caritensis ‘Chandra P’ species  CCM 84 Exhibited by Douglas Kubo Description: Eleven flowers and six buds on eight inflorescences averaging 2.0 cm, on a well-grown 6-cm by 6-cm plant on a 3.5-cm by 6-cm cork slab; sepals cream, overlaid light brick red; petals cream, overlaid red apically; lip red; […]

July 3, 2019 20191290 Dendrobium Hibiki ‘Melencia’ (Den. bracteosum x Den. lavifolium) CCM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One hundred forty-four flowers and 13 buds on 16 inflorescences emanating from 13 canes; 35 cm wide by 30 cm tall compact plant in an 8 cm pot; leaves green heavily overlaid red; flowers […]

April 8, 2017Sacramento Orchid Society Show20171244Bulbophyllum romyi ‘In Situ’speciesCCM 84Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Nineteen flowers and nine buds on 28, 12 cm inflorescences; flowers chartreuse; dorsal sepal spotted purple, violet and white cilia on margin; lateral sepals fused, heavily spotted purple; petals spotted purple, appendages violet and white on margin; lip dark brown, gold […]

March 24, 2017San Joaquin Orchid Society Show20171214Paph. Fumi’s Delight ‘Vera’s Choice’(Paph. micranthum x Paph. armeniacum)CCM 84Exhibited by Richard F. BuchterAlso received AM 83, #20171213 paphfumisdelightam.html Description: Three well presented flat flowers on three inflorescences, longest 27 cm, in an 8 cm square pot; four pristine growths, two new growths; dorsal sepal lemon yellow, faintly striped cordovan; synsepal yellow, faint cordovan dots; petals upper half […]

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162465Phal. bastianii ‘Joan’ speciesCCM 84Exhibited by Joan Gunn Description: One hundred sixty-four flowers and 29 buds on 37 branched inflorescences on a 59 x 47-cm plant in a 15-cm plastic basket; sepals and petals white, light green distally, barred magenta; lip intense magenta; column white; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in […]

December 3, 2014 20142497 Bulb. reclusum ‘Christmas’ species CCM 84 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Well presented 1740 flowers and 565 buds on 39 arching inflorescences; dorsal sepal light orange striped irregular darker orange; slightly fused lateral sepal light orange striped irregular darker orange; petals light orange striped irregular darker orange with a single yellow […]

January 2, 2013 20131004 Cym. Death Wish ‘Tygr Jade’ (Cy. Pywacket x Cym. Disney Girl) CCM 84 Exhibited by Edmund P. Dumaguin Description: One hundred seventeen flowers and 25 buds evenly spaced on ten pendent inflorescences and one immature inflorescence with 15 buds uniformly presented around a clean, robust 180-cm wide plant in a 133-cm […]

October 8, 2011 Orchid Forum of Sacramento Show Phalaenopsis pantherina ‘Nicholas’ species AM 80 & CCM 84 Exhibited by Vivian Sellers Description: Twelve flowers and four buds on three branching inflorescences; sepals and petals green heavily overlaid cordovan; spade lip white, side lobes dark yellow with pink margins; column and anther cap dark yellow; substance […]

April 6, 2011 Holcoglossum flavescens ‘May Jean’ species CCM 84 Exhibited by Ricky Wong Description: Six flowers and one bud held straight out from an 8-cm. clump of foliage on a 9.2-cm high wooden mount; sepals and petals white suffused rose pink distally; lip white, dark burgundy striations in throat, solid burgundy on side lobes, […]

October 16, 2010 Diablo View Orchid Society Show Masdevallia angulata ‘Heather Nicole’ species CCM 84 Exhibited by Ken Cook Description: Thirty-six flowers and 14 buds on 50 inflorescences in an 8″ clay pot; dorsal sepal and petals olive green linearly spotted light oxblood; lateral sepal caudae heavily spotted oxblood; lip heavily spotted oxblood; substance heavy; […]

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