Tag Archives: CCM 83

  April 12, 2024 20242283 Coel. wenzelii ‘Sasha’ (Species) CCM 83 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Approximately six thousand eight hundred red-brown flowers on two hundred arched inflorescences to 12 cm; well grown plant in a plastic 8-inch pot grown in fir bark; leaves lanceolate to 25 cm long, plant 27 cm high, 59 cm […]

July 5, 2017 20171277 Promenaea Chameleon ‘Jon’ (Prom. Limelight x Prom. guttata) CCM 83 Exhibited by Diana Blasingame Description: Twenty-four slightly cupped flowers and three buds on 27 well arranged inflorescenes completely circling a compact 27 cm plant, grown in a 5.5 x 5.5 cm plastic pot; sepals and petals light chartreuse, heavily spotted and […]

  June 7, 2017 20171268 C. purpurata ‘Ruby’ species CCM 83 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Twenty-one flowers slightly bunched on six inflorescences on a well grown plant in a 19 cm clay pot; sepals and petals white; lip distal portion dark burgundy with burgundy striations through the yellow throat; white anther cap; substance firm; […]

July 30, 2016 Speakers Day 20162489 Bulb. scaberulum var. scaberulum ‘Karen’s Oddity’ species CCM 83 Exhibited and grown by Karen Olson Description: One hundred ten flowers and 20 buds on ten inflorescences well-displayed on a 36 x 30-cm plant grown on a 6 x 15-cm cork mount; flowers intense dark purple; lip pale green; substance […]

October 5, 2014 Big Fresno Fair 20142469 Dendrochilum magnum ‘Virginia’ species CCM 83 Exhibited by Jamie Davidson Description: Two thousand one hundred fifty-two flowers and 221 buds on 30 arched, pendulous inflorescences displayed fully around a well-grown plant in a 31-cm clay pot; translucent bracts pale yellow-green; sepals and petals ocher with green midrib; lip […]

March 29, 2014 Sacramento Orchid Society Show 20142439 Masdevallia Cassiope ‘Alexa’ (Masd. coccinea x Masd. triangularis) CCM 83 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Twenty-one flowers and two buds on 23 inflorescences held high above clean green foliage on a very well-grown plant in a 11.4-cm pot; sepals golden yellow dusted and striped burgundy transitioning to […]

May 2, 2012 Epipactis gigantea ‘Linda’ species CCM 83 Exhibited by Bruce Ritter Description: Twenty-six flowers and 56 buds on 23 inflorescences and 7 immature inflorescences on a very well grown multi growth plant in a 20-cm plastic pot, almost all growths have either flowers or buds developing, foliage blemish free; sepals chartreuse overlaid diffuse […]

March 7, 2012 Lycaste Leo ‘Patrick’ (Lyc. Balinae x Lyc. macrobulbon) CCM 83 Exhibited by Howard & Joan Gunn Description: Twenty-three bright flowers and three buds on 26 inflorescences on three pseudobulbs of seven bulbs in a 20-cm pot; sepals light green, lightly stippled cinnamon; petals bright yellow, speckled red centrally; lip golden yellow, reflexed […]

April 16, 2011 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Parapteroceras odoratissimum ‘Kai’ species CCM 83 Exhibited by Diana Blasingame Description: Approximately one hundred fifty flowers and 21 buds on 15 inflorescences on a rambling plant borne on a 4x5x20-cm. tree fern mount; sepals and petals cream barred brown centrally; saccate lip white with two light purple bars, […]

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California Sierra Nevada Judging Center