Tag Archives: CBR

August 7, 2010 Speaker’s Day Sarcochilus hilli ‘Elizabeth Anne’ species CBR Exhibited by James Morris Description: Three flowers and five buds on six inflorescences; sepals and petals light pink; lip white, keel yellow-orange, side lobe fuchsia, darker pink at column base, anther cap red; substance good; texture crystalline. Recognized for rarity and difficulty to grow. […]

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Rhinerrhiza divitiflora ‘Jocelyn’ species CBR Exhibited by James Morris Description: Forty-nine flowers and three buds on two arching inflorescences on a 16-cm plant on a cork mount; sepals and petals yellow-green with brown barring centrally; lip white with brown side lobes; substance delicate; texture matte. Recognized for its […]

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California Sierra Nevada Judging Center