Tag Archives: August 20

  August 20, 2023 20232319 Den. hekouense ‘Bagairt’ (species) HCC 79 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Sixteen flowers on sixteen 1-cm inflorescences; sepals and petals cream, randomly stippled light rose; lip cream, throat cream, overlaid cordovan, side lobes cordovan, light yellow corona, midlobe cream randomly spotted light rose, anther cap cream; substance firm; […]

August 20, 2023 20232318 Rlc. Dawn’s Child ‘Melencia’ Rlc. (Paradise Rose x Higher Multiplier) AM 86 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two full, well-presented flowers on one 7-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals yellow, overlaid deep fuchsia; lip yellow, overlaid cordovan centrally, magenta apically, column yellow, anther cap ivory; substance firm; texture velvety. Measurements […]

August 20, 2023 20232317 Propescapetalum Glicky ‘Gold Country’ Propescapetalum (Propetalum Lise Gobeille x Zygotoria Midnight Blue) AM 80 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Six striking flowers on two 18-cm inflorescences; sepals and petals apple green, very heavily blotched deep mahogany; lip pale yellow, horned basally, deep purple waterfall, spotted apically, callus multi-keeled; column yellow, […]

August 20, 2023 20232316 Den. hekouense ‘Bliss’ (species) HCC 79 Exhibited by Brenda Ruedy Description: Eighteen flowers on eighteen 1-cm inflorescences; flowers cream; sepals and petals stippled medium rose; lip throat overlaid light cordovan, side lobes light yellow at apex, midlobe stippled medium rose at apex; column cream, overlaid medium rose, anther cap light green; […]

August 20, 2023 20232315 Paph. hookerae ‘Tuscany’ (species) AM 81 Exhibited by David Sorokowsky Description: One flower on one 37-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal olive green, suffused darker basally; petals spatulate, magenta distally, olive green below midline, margins uniformly undulate; pouch olive green, veined slightly darker olive green, staminode chartreuse, overlaid magenta centrally, margin hirsute; substance […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center