Tag Archives: April 1 2015

April 1, 2015201524Sarco. Heidi ‘Best Pink’(Sarco. Fitzhart x Sarco. hartmannii)HCC 78Exhibited by James G Morris Description: Forty-seven flowers and 25 buds on five upright inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid cerise, densely spotted garnet red basally; lip white, side lobes garnet red interiorly; anther cap white; substance heavy; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  2.1 […]

April 1, 2015 20152436 Cattleya sincorana ‘Big Ben’ species AM 81 Exhibited by Douglas Kubo Description: Two large, flat flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals lavender, veined deeper lavender; lip white, side lobe margins overlaid dark lavender, midlobe overlaid and veined dark lavender apical one-third; substance medium; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  10.5 […]

April 1, 201520152438Sarco. Marion ‘Tawny Gold’(Sarco. Fitzhart x Sarco. olivaceus)JCExhibited by James G Morris Description: Twenty-four flowers and 23 buds on four inflorescences; sepals and petals yellow overlaid burnt orange with darker orange bars; lip saccate, yellow with red bars centrally; substance heavy; texture matte; recognized for yellow color direction in Sarcochilus breeding. Measurements in […]

April 1, 201520152433Sarco. Magic ‘Dark Heart’(Sarco. Duno Nicky’s Twin x Sarco. Zoe)AM 84Exhibited by James G Morris Description: Twenty-seven flowers and 16 buds on three inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid deep fuchsia centrally, light fuchsia distal half with small white accent midribs; pouch yellow overlaid red horizontal stripes, wings yellow red spots; column white; […]

April 1, 201520152435Sarco. Dove ‘Good’(Sarco. Melody x Sarco. hartmannii)HCC 78Exhibited by James G Morris Description: Ten flowers and five buds on one inflorescence; sepals and petals white spotted rose burgundy on reverse, barred rose-burgundy basally, spotted light rose-burgundy distaly; saccate lip white densely barred rose burgundy basally, sparsely spotted yellow apically; substance firm; texture crystalline. […]

April 1, 201520152432Sarco. Judith ‘Yvonne’(Sarco. Melba x Sarco. Fitzhart)HCC 78Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Eight flowers and six buds on one inflorescence; sepals and petals bright white, centrally barred and spotted rose-burgundy; saccate lip yellow, side lobes veined rose-burgundy; anther cap white; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.3  nsv  3.6 […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center