Tag Archives: AM 84

May 6, 2015 20152450 Bulb. biflorum ‘The Lollipop Twins’ species AM 84 Exhibited by Jeffrey Tyler Description: Eight flowers and 12 buds on 10 inflorescences plus six immature inflorescences; dorsal sepal and petals chocolate brown, dorsal sepal tipped with one black antenna-like cauda, lateral sepals partially fused, bright chartreuse, speckled chocolate brown; substance average; texture […]

April 1, 201520152433Sarco. Magic ‘Dark Heart’(Sarco. Duno Nicky’s Twin x Sarco. Zoe)AM 84Exhibited by James G Morris Description: Twenty-seven flowers and 16 buds on three inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid deep fuchsia centrally, light fuchsia distal half with small white accent midribs; pouch yellow overlaid red horizontal stripes, wings yellow red spots; column white; […]

February 5, 201420142427Rhynchostylis gigantea ‘Media Noche’ (Sagarik Strain) speciesAM 84Exhibited by Curtis Gean Description: One hundred twelve flowers and four buds on four inflorescences; sepals and petals white centrally, deep dark purple over all;lip darker purple; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.1  nsv  3.8  Dsw  1.5  dsl  2.0  Pw  1.1  pl  2.1 […]

February 5, 2014 20142423 Ctt. Orglade’s Early Harvest ‘Sacramento Sunset’ (C. briegeri x C. Hazel Boyd) AM 84 Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Four flowers on one upright inflorescence; sepals clear golden yellow suffused deeper yellow; ruffled petals clear golden yellow, slight light orange flush at margin; lip yellow, red in throat, midlobe light […]

January 8, 201420142418Rhy. gigantea var. alba ‘Sierra Nevada’ speciesAM 84Exhibited by Curtis Gean Description: One hundred eight flowers and 20 buds on four arched inflorescences; flowers white, column green basally, anther cap creme; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.6  nsv  3.5  Dsw  1.6  dsl  2.1  Pw  1.1  pl  1.8  Lsw  1.7  lsl […]

August 3, 2013 Speakers Day 20131059 Den. cuthbertsonii ‘White Tips’ species AM 84 Exhibited by Goldent Gate Orchids Description: Seven flowers and two buds on nine inflorescences; sepals and petals pink with white apices; lip white with dark purple margin; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns  3.5  nsv  3.7  Dsw  1.5  dsl […]

July 3, 2013 20131055 Dimorphorchis lowii ‘Joan’ species two distinct flowers AM 84 Exhibited by Howard Gunn Description: Forty-five flowers and nine buds on two 246-cm inflorescences; four proximal flowers sepals and petals golden yellow randomly spotted cordovan; lip light yellow overlaid light fuchsia; column light green spotted with fine cordovan spots; anther cap cream; […]

March 2, 2011 Paphiopedilum vietnamense ‘Chunky’ species AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One cream flower on a single inflorescence; dorsal and synsepal overlaid rose on posterior with light rose on interior suffusing to light green distally; petals heavily overlaid rose, heavier distally; pouch overlaid dark raspberry with dark raspberry spotting on […]

June 2, 2010 Paphiopedilum Robinianum ‘Monster’ (Paph. lowii x Paph. parishii) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Five flowers and two buds well-presented on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal cream colored with pale green veins; petals pale green, upper half spotted burgundy, lower half maroon; pouch deep olive green with purple veins; substance […]

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Epidendrum Pacific Thrill ‘Heat Stroke’ (Epi. Sun Valley x Epi. Pacific Girl) AM 84 Exhibited by Cal-Orchid Description: Twenty-two flowers and 21 buds on one upright inflorescence; sepals and petals dark orange with light orange midrib and yellow at apex; lip yellow with light orange fringe; column dark […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center