Tag Archives: AM 84

    March 01, 2023 20232264 C. jongheana (alba) ‘Daneen’ species AM 84  Exhibited by Diane Bond Description: Seven flowers on four 5-cm inflorescences; sepals and petals white; lip white, side lobes closed over column, yellow with dark yellow keels, margin ruffled; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  14.5  nsv  13.0  Dsw  1.9 […]

  October 27, 2022 20222334 Phal. violacea ‘Blue Hector’  (species) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One flower and one bud on two inflorescences; sepals and petals saturated deep violet; lip white, side lobes yellow, margins overlaid purple, midlobe overlaid deep purple; column white at base, overlaid light purple, anther cap light […]

April 24, 2022 20222301 Cym. Jovita Domaguin ‘Jaybee’ Cym. (Devon Railway x canaliculatum) AM 84 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Thirty-eight flowers and seven buds well displayed on a pendant 55-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal chartreuse overlaid oxblood basally to mid-segment, blotched oxblood apically; slightly recurved lateral sepals chartreuse overlaid oxblood; petals chartreuse heavily blotched oxblood, […]

  February 06, 2022 20222256 Paph. sangii ‘Hector’ (species) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One striking, flat flower on one 28-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal ivory, proximal half veined green, flushed dark burgundy; synsepal green and veined green; petals flat, margins slightly ruffled, ivory, heavily flushed dark burgundy; pouch cobbled chartreuse, suffused […]

  January 16, 2022 20222350 Onc. Crystal Prism ‘Melencia’ (Onc. Prism x Crystal Palace) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Thirteen well displayed flat flowers on an arched, 110-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals ovate, white, overlaid with random cordovan spots and coalesced spots, 0.5-cm to 1.0-cm picotee, margin finely ruffled; lip white, […]

  September 5, 2021 20212321 Pectabenaria Maxdusa ‘Kiki’ (Pectabenaria Wow’s White Fairies x Habenaria medusa) AM 84 Exhibited by Anne Kimmerlein Description: Sixteen filarious flowers on one 51-cm inflorescence; sepals hooded, green; petals minute, light green; multi-complex lip pink basally, side lobes divided into white filaments, midlobe narrow and elongate, white; nectar spur 5.1-cm white, […]

Jun 6, 2021 20212297 Phal. Ruby Passion ‘Melencia’ (Phal. Phoenix Ruby x Brother Ambo Passion) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Four flowers on a 5-cm, lateral inflorescence, plus one immature inflorescence; dorsal sepal chartreuse, heavily overlaid orange-red, fine concentric bars; lateral sepals chartreuse, superior half heavily overlaid orange-red, fine concentric bars, […]

  March 2, 2021 20212284 Paph. thaianum ‘Melencia’ (species) AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two round cupped flowers on two 4-cm inflorescences; sepals white, flushed and spotted light maroon on reverse; petals apically notched, white, faintly speckled maroon basally; smooth pouch white, spotted bold red-maroon internally, staminode white, bold yellow centrally; substance […]

November 1, 2020 20202302 Phal. tetraspis fma. imperatrix ‘Monster’ species AM 84 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two flowers and eight buds on 2 inflorescences; sepals and petals lanceolate, white, heavily overlaid deep fuchsia; lip white, overlaid fuchsia at base; column white; anther cap white; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center